PART 1 美丽英文
Beauty 论美
Once More to the Lake in Maine 重游缅因湖
A New Look from Borrowed Time 第二次生命的启示
Visions and Ideals 愿望与理想
Circles 圆
Two Sorts of People in the World 世界上的两种人
First Snow 初雪
Impressions of America 美国印象
A Little Great Man 小小的大人物
Advice to Youth 给青年人的忠告
Solitude 独处
Meditation on the Moon 月色冥想
The Acorn-Gatherer 捡橡果的孩子
Middle Age Old Age 中年,老年
The Boy Named Jerry 有个男孩叫杰里
What Makes a Teacher? 为师之道
Thoughts in Westminster Abbey 在威斯敏斯特教堂的沉思
The Important Things in Life 生活中那些重要的事
Thank You Mrs. Price 谢谢您,普莱斯老师
Born to Win 生而为赢
Discovery in a Thunderstorm 雷雨中的领悟
Romantic City—Paris 浪漫之都——巴黎
What Causes the Chaos? 是什么制造了混乱?
Pass Love on to Others If You Are Grateful 心怀感恩,让爱传递
The Tale of Two Pebbles 两块鹅卵石的故事
PART 2 激情演讲
Tim Cook's Commencement Address at MIT 蒂姆·库克在麻省理工学院毕业典礼上的演讲
Michelle Obama's Commencement Address at Eastern Kentucky University 米歇尔·奥巴马在东肯塔基大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Bill Gates' Commencement Address at Harvard University 比尔·盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Donald Trump's Commencement Address at Liberty University 唐纳德·特朗普在自由大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Peter Salovey's Commencement Address at Yale University 彼得·沙洛维在耶鲁大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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John Roberts' Commencement Address at Cardigan Mountain School 约翰·罗伯茨在卡迪根山中学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Barack Obama's Victory Speech in 2008 Presidential Election 巴拉克·奥巴马2008年竞选美国总统获胜演讲
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Sheryl Sandberg's Commencement Address at University of California Berkeley 雪莉·桑德伯格在加州大学伯克利分校毕业典礼上的演讲
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Melinda Gates' Commencement Address at Stanford University 梅琳达·盖茨在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Neil Gaiman's Commencement Address at the University of the Arts 尼尔·盖曼在艺术大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Jim Carrey's Commencement Address at Maharishi University of Management 金·凯瑞在玛赫西管理大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Aaron Sorkin's Commencement Address at Syracuse University 阿伦·索尔金在雪城大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Jon Stewart's Commencement Address at the College of William and Mary 乔恩·斯图尔特在威廉与玛丽学院毕业典礼上的演讲
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Arnold Schwarzenegger's Speech at Tsinghua University 阿诺德·施瓦辛格在清华大学的演讲
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Ellen Degeneres' Commencement Address at Tulane University 艾伦·德杰尼勒斯在杜兰大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Michael Bloomberg's Commencement Address at Harvard University 迈克尔·布隆伯格在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Ken Burns' Commencement Address at Stanford University 肯·伯恩斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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Drew Houston's Commencement Address at MIT 德鲁·休斯顿在麻省理工学院毕业典礼上的演讲
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Margaret Thatcher' Speech at the Conservative Party Conference 玛格丽特·撒切尔在英国保守党会议上的演讲
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Peter Salovey's Freshman Address at Yale University 彼得·沙洛维在耶鲁大学开学典礼上的演讲
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Dwight David Eisenhower' Farewell Address 德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔卸任告别演讲
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Nelson Mandela's Inaugural Speech 纳尔逊·曼德拉总统就职演讲
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Meg Jay's TED Talk: Why 30 Is Not the New 20 梅格·杰TED演讲:三十岁,不是又一次二十岁
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Robert Waldinger's TED Talk: What Makes a Good Life? 罗伯特·瓦尔丁格TED演讲:什么成就美好人生?
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Susan Cain's TED Talk: The Power of Introverts 苏珊·凯恩TED演讲:内向性格的力量
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PART 3 趣味时文
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My Opinion on Diplomas 文凭之我见
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Learn to Be Happy 学习如何过得幸福
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Taking Notes by Hand to Boost Your Grades 手写笔记,提高成绩
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Over-Learning Can Solidify a Skill 超额学习能够巩固技能
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Maybe You Should Work More 也许你应该加倍努力
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The Point of Adolescence 青春期的意义
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Tech Degree or Liberal Arts? 技术学位还是文科学位?
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Why Some People Remain Babies? 为什么有的人仍然孩子气?
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Individualism Can Damage Mental Health 个人主义可能有损心理健康
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What Does Your Degree Say about You? 专业透露你的性格
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How Do the Gadgets We Have Redefine the World “东西”如何重新定义了世界
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The Secret of Breakthroughs 取得突破的奥秘
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Can Big Data Cure Cancer? 大数据能治愈癌症吗?
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Nature Makes Employees Happier and Healthier 自然让员工更快乐、更健康
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A Low-Fat High-Carb Diet Is Not Always More Healthy 低脂肪、高热量的饮食并不总是更健康
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Why Teenagers Need More Sleep? 为什么青少年需要更多睡眠?
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Why Don't We Complain about Cucumbers? 我们为何不吐槽黄瓜?
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Travel Is Fun 为了快乐而旅行
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Is Fashion Relevant for the Average Person? 时尚与普通人有关吗?
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Dream Jobs in the Arctic 极地冰雪中的梦想工作
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How to Solve the Obesity Epidemic? 如何遏制肥胖症?
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The Psychology Behind Spending Big 高消费背后的心理学
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Why Small Cities Can Generate Big Ideas 小城市,大梦想
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The Solution to Presenteeism 假性出勤的解决之道
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Holiday Shopping: Buy Memories Not Objects 节日购物:购买记忆,而不要单纯购物
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PART 4 真题精选
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Ready for a World Without Physical Currency? 准备好面对没有实体货币的世界了吗?
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Not Bad for Some Extra Muttering 喃喃自语益处多
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Do You Have Critical Thinking Skills? 你具备批判思维能力吗?
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Climate Change May Be Real but It's Still Not Easy Being Green 气候变化或真,实现环保不易
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Completely Relax When Sleeping? Not Always 睡眠时完全放松了?并不总是这样
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Different Parenting Different Future 不同的抚养方式,不同的未来
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Should Mothers Sleep with Their Babies? 母亲应该和婴儿睡在一起吗?
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The Heart of the Modern House—Kitchen 现代家居的核心——厨房
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Why Is the Grand Tour Popular? 赴欧游学为何流行?
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Pleasure that Comes from Extravagances Is Not That Great 挥霍不像想象中那么快乐
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Early-warning Signs of Mental Health Issues that Cannot Be Overlooked 不可忽视的心理问题早期预警信号
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A Vocation Helps Adolescent Become Mature 青少年在工作中变得成熟
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Structural Unemployment Is Just an Excuse 结构性失业只是一个借口
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The Changing Generation 不断在变化的新一代
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The Three Components of an Attitude 一种态度的三种成分
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Don't Let a Degree Be an Empty Achievement 不要让文凭成为空壳子
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Who Will Be Responsible If Robotics Do Something Wrong? 如果机器人出错,谁来担责?
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Your Memory Needs a Good Work-out Instead of Supplements 记忆力需要良好的训练而不是补品
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A Healthy Lifestyle Can Prevent Cognitive Decline 健康的生活方式可以防止认知水平下降
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The New Field for Battle Between Adults and Their Kids 父母与孩子较量的新战场
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The Ratings Revolution 评级领域的革新
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Changing American Family Structure 不断变化的美国家庭结构
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Making up for Sleep Deprivation Is Helpful but Not Recommended 补觉有益但不推荐
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Can Societies Be Rich and Green? 社会能既富裕又环保吗?
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Who Killed the Nokia Phone? 是谁导致了诺基亚手机的衰亡?
更新时间:2019-01-05 08:58:18