Speech 1 让和平永远成真 Make Peace Come True for Good
汉语回放(赵倩 译)
Speech 2 珍惜现在,把握未来 Cherishing What You Have Now and Striving for the Future
汉语回放(吴洁淇 译)
Speech 3 超越自我,挑战极限 Transcending Yourself and Challenging Your Limits
汉语回放(彭琪淋 译)
Speech 4 根据经验找到环保良策 Getting Out of the Previous View and Searching Your Own Ideas on Protecting Environment
汉语回放(王伟明 译)
Speech 5 “绿色”WTO的崛起 The “Greening” of the WTO Has Started
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汉语回放(鲁耀 译)
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Speech 6 慈善地对待动物 Treating Animals With Mercy
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汉语回放(王楠 译)
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Speech 7 慈善事业的未来 The Future of Philanthropy
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汉语回放(李定纹 译)
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Speech 8 真相和结果 Truth and Consequences
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汉语回放(刘文馨 译)
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Speech 9 世界需要联合国 The World Needs the United Nations
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汉语回放(王娟 译)
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Speech 10 用新方法进行思考 Thinking in New Ways
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汉语回放(赵欣薇 译)
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Speech 11 献身于你的事业并帮助他人 Be Devoted to Your Career and Help Others
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汉语回放(梁春阳 译)
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Speech 12 真爱上帝与邻居 Loving God and Neighbor in Word and Deed
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汉语回放(杨艳静 译)
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Speech 13 为什么要推行“兼容并蓄”全球化 Cause of “Inclusive ”Globalization
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汉语回放(李定纹 译)
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Speech 14 建立一个合乎伦理的全球化 Building an Ethical Globalization
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汉语回放(王楠 译)
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Speech 15 维护世界和平的重任 The Mission of Preserving the World Peace
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汉语回放(赵倩 译)
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Speech 16 敢于竞争,敢于去爱 Dare to Compete Dare to Love
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汉语回放(赵倩 译)
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Speech 17 构建和平文化 Building a Culture of Peace
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汉语回放(谭宝红 译)
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Speech 18 人人都能成为总统 Everyone Can Become a President
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汉语回放(李定纹 译)
更新时间:2019-01-04 14:46:05