- 语言服务书系·翻译研究·《红楼梦》称呼语翻译研究
- 陈毅平
- 4064字
- 2021-03-25 15:15:57
第四节 霍译与杨译之原文差异
灵石迷性难解仙机 警幻多情秘垂淫训
The Spiritual Stone Is Too Bemused to Grasp the Fairy's Riddles
The Goddess of Disenchantment in Her Kindness Secretly Expounds on Love
贾宝玉神游太虚境 警幻仙曲演红楼梦
Jia Bao-yu Visits the Land of Illusion;
and the Fairy Disenchantment Performs the“Dream of Golden Days”
拦酒兴李奶母讨厌 掷茶杯贾公子生嗔
Nanny Li Makes a Nuisance of Herself by Warning against Drinking
Pao-yu Breaks a Teacup and Flies into a Temper
贾宝玉奇缘识金锁 薛宝钗巧合认通灵
Jia Bao-yu Is Allowed to See the Strangely Corresponding Golden Locket;
and Xue Bao-chai Has a Predestined Encounter with the Magic Jade
恋风流情友入家塾 起嫌疑顽童闹学堂
Devoted Friends Join the Clan School
Mud-Slinging Boys Brawl in the Classroom
训劣子李贵承申饬 嗔顽童茗烟闹书房
A Son Is Admonished and Li Gui Receives an Alarming Warning;
a Pupil Is Abused and Tealeaf Throws the Classroom in an Uproar
庆元宵贾元春归省 助情人林黛玉传诗
Yuan-chun Visits Her Parents on the Feast of Lanterns
Tai-yu Helps Her True Love by Passing Him a Poem
皇恩重元妃省父母 天伦乐宝玉呈才藻
A Brief Family Reunion is Permitted by the Magnanimity of a Gracious Emperor;
and an Imperial Concubine Takes Pleasure in the Literary Progress of a Younger Brother
膏粱子惧内偷娶妾 淫奔女改行自择夫
A Hen-Pecked Young Profligate Takes a Concubine in Secret
A Wanton Girl Mends Her Ways and Picks Herself a Husband
贾二舍偷娶尤二姨 尤三姐思嫁柳二郎
Jia Lian's Second Marriage Is Celebrated in Secret;
and the Future Marriage of San-jie Becomes a Matter of Speculation
尤氏女独请王熙凤 宴宁府宝玉会秦钟
Madam Yu Invites Hsi-feng Alone
At a Feast in the Ning Mansion Pao-yu First Meets Chin Chung
送宫花贾琏戏熙凤 宴宁府宝玉会秦钟
Zhou Rui's Wife Delivers Palace Flowers and Finds Jia Lian Pursuing Night Sports by Day;
Jia Bao-yu Visits the Ning-guo Mansion and Has an Agreeable Colloquy with Qin-shi's Brother
林如海捐馆扬州城 贾宝玉路谒北静王
Lin Ju-hai Dies in Yangchow
Pao-yu Meets the Prince of Peiching on the Road
林如海灵返苏州郡 贾宝玉路谒北静王
Lin Ru-hai Is Conveyed to His Last Resting-place in Soochow;
and Jia Bao-yu Is Presented to the Prince of Bei-jing at a Roadside Halt
大观园试才题对额 怡红院迷路探曲折
Literary Talent Is Tested by Composing Inscriptions in Grand View Garden
Those Losing Their Way at Happy Red Court Explore a Secluded Retreat
大观园试才题对额 荣国府归省庆元宵
The Inspection of the New Garden Becomes a Test of Talent;
and Rong-guo House Makes Itself Ready for an Important Visitor
馈土物颦卿思故里 讯家童凤姐蓄阴谋
A Gift of Local Products Makes Tai-yu Homesick
Hsi-feng Questions a Page Boy and Hatches a Plot
见土仪颦卿思故里 闻秘事凤姐讯家童
Frowner Sees Something that Makes Her Homesick;
and Xi-feng Hears Something that Rouses Her Suspicions
惑奸馋抄检大观园 矢孤介杜绝宁国府
Malicious Talk Makes Lady Wang Have a Search Made of the Garden
To Guard Her Integrity Hsi-chun Breaks with the Ning Mansion
惑奸馋抄检大观园 避嫌隙杜绝宁国府
Lady Wang Authorizes a Raid on Prospect Garden;
and Jia Xi-chun Breaks off Relations with Ning-guo House
Do you know, Worthy Readers, where this book comes from? The answer may sound fantastic, yet carefully considered is of great interest.Let me explain, so that there will be no doubt left in your minds.
Gentle Reader, What, you may ask, was the origin of this book? Though the answer to this question may at first seem to border on the absurd, reflection will show that there is a good deal more in it than meets the eye.
A single chance hiatus
Raised her status.
Sometimes by chance
A look or a glance
May one's fortune advance.
Since Pao-yu had long been attracted by Hsi-jen's gentle, coquettish ways, he urged her to carry out the instructions with him; and as she knew that the Lady Dowager had given her to Pao-yu she felt would not be an undue liberty.So they tried it out secretly together, and luckily they were not discovered.
Bao-yu had long been attracted by Aroma's somewhat coquettish charms and tugged at her purposefully, anxious to share with her the lesson he had learned from Disenchantment. Aroma knew that when Grandmother Jia gave her to Bao-yu she had intended her to belong to him in the fullest possible sense, and so, having no good reason for refusing him, she allowed him, after a certain amount of coy resistance, to have his way with her.
With a stern look she ordered the woman to be taken out and given twenty strokes with the bamboo.She then threw down the Ning Mansion tally and gave orders that Lai Sheng should dock this usher of a month's wages.When the others heard this and saw Hsi-feng's angry frown, they dared not show slackness in carrying out her orders.Some hastily dragged out the woman; others passed on the order to Lai Sheng.After the usher had been given twenty strokes she had to return to kowtow to Hsi-feng.Hsi-feng warned the servants, “Anyone late again tomorrow will get forty strokes, and sixty the day after that.So those who want a beating, just come late.” With that she dismissed them.
Her face hardened as she pronounced sentence, “Take her out and give her twenty strokes of the bamboo! ” Seeing that Xi-feng was really angry, the servants dared not show themselves slack in executing her command.The wretched woman was half-dragged from the room and the flogging administered in full view of the waiting throng, after which they came in again, the executioners to report that they had discharged their duty and their victim to thank Xi-feng for her punishment.Xi-feng threw down one of the Ning-guo tallies. “Take this to Lai Sheng and tell him to stop a month's pay from her wages.If anyone is late tomorrow they will get forty strokes and the day after that it will be sixty.So if you enjoy being beaten you have only to come late for roll-call.Dismiss.” The servants, including the shamefaced and silently weeping victim, trooped off to their various duties.
When the two of them were alone, Pao-yu described in detail how he had noticed something burning and spotted Ou-kuan, how he had lied to cover up for her, and how Ou-kuan had told him to ask her, Fang-kuan, for an explanation.
Bao-yu was now able to tell Parfumée about his encounter with Nénuphar—how he had lied to protect her and how, feeling unable to answer his question herself, she had referred him to Parfumée for an explanation.
Congratulations, Brother Yu-tsun! What are you doing here in the wilds of the country?
Yu-cun, congratulations! I've got some good news for you.
Chia Jui, anxious to smooth things over, urged Chin Jung softly, “Remember the proverb ‘A murderer can only lose his head'.Since you began this you must humble yourself a little.Once you've kowtowed, that will be the end of it.” So at last Chin Jung stepped forward and kowtowed to Chin Chung.To know what followed, read the next chapter.
Jia Rui, whose only concern now was to get the matter over with as quickly as possible, quietly urged him to comply, “You know what the proverb says‘He who can check a moment's rage shall calm and carefree end his days'.” Did Jokey Jin comply? The following chapter will reveal.
You know, madam, what Master Bao is like and how he enjoys amusing himself with us girls.If no precautions are taken and he does something the least bit foolish—no matter it's true or not—there's bound to be talked.Low-class people will gossip.When they're well disposed, they laud you to the skies;when they're not, they talk as if you were worse than a beast.
We just have to be on our guard against that sort of thing happening—espe cially when Master Bao has such a peculiar character, as Your Ladyship knows,and spends all his time with girls.He only has to make the tiniest slip in an unguarded moment, and whether he really did anything or not, with so many people about—there is sure to be scandal.For you know what some of these people are like, Your Ladyship.If they feel well-disposed towards you, they'll make you out to be a saint; but if they're not, then Heaven help you!