1. 表时间的介词:
① at,in,on
at 用于黎明、正午、夜半、何时、何分等短时间,即指 a point of time(时的一点)的场合;in 用于年、月、四季、世纪等长时间,即指 a period of time(时的期间)的场合;on 用于表示固定的时日。
A fire broke out at dawn.(在黎明时)
The meeting adjourned for an hour at noon.(正午)
The temperature is mild in spring.(在春天里)
Our school holds a regatta in April.(在四月中)
We went on an excursion on Wednesday.(在礼拜三)
Columbus discovered America on the 12th of October,1492.(在十二日)
比较: |
I take a walk early in the morning. I did not take a walk on the morning of the 10th. |
② in,within,after
in 用以表示“期间的经过”,within 用以表示“期间内”,after 用以表示“以过去为起点的期间的经过”。
He will be here in a week.(再过一礼拜他就会到这里来。)
He will be back within a week.(他在一礼拜内就会回来的。)
After a week he came back.(过了一礼拜他回来了。)
③ till,by;since,from
till 是表示继续的终止点,作“直到”解;by 是表示完结的时限,作“到……为止”解;since 是表示继续到现在为止的出发点,作“从……以来”解;from 是表示事情开始的出发点,作“从”解。since 要和“现在完成”同用,而 from 则多是和“过去”同用的。
My brother will stay there till the end of next year.(我哥哥要在那里住到明年年底。)
My brother will come back by the end of next year.(我哥哥到明年底为止就会回来的。)
He has lived here since 1900.(从1900年以来。)
He lived in Japan from 1900 to 1910.(从1900到1910年。)
④ before,after;past,to
都是表示时间的前后的,不过 past 和 to 系用于钟表上的时刻。
I started before noon and arrived after dark.
It is a quarter past seven by my watch.
He left home at a quarter to seven.
⑤ for,during,through
for 是表示“期间”,during 是表示“状态的继续中”,而 through 就是表示“从头到尾”的意思。
His lecture lasted for an hour.(继续一小时。)
He was very kind during my stay in London.(滞留伦敦的时期。)
He worked hard through the summer.(整个夏季。)
2. 表地点的介词:
① at,in
at 用于比较狭小的地方,in 用于比较宽大的地方,如村镇等用 at;都市、国家等用 in。
He lives at a small village near Tainan.(住在台南附近一小村中)。
Radio is all the rage in Europe and America.(无线电在欧美大为流行)。
② on,beneath;above,below;ever,under;up,down
on 表示“表面的接触”,beneath 表示“底下的接触”;above 表示“高”(higher than),below 表示“低”(lower than),是说高低的;over 表示“顶头上面”,under 表示“直接下面”;而 up 和 down 便单是表上下的。
There is a book on the table.
He took it from beneath his coat.
A beautiful full moon rose above the horizon.
The sun has just sunk below the horizon.
I saw several airplanes flying over the city.
We took shelter from the rain under a pine tree.
At dawn he went up the hill.
We sailed down the river.

③ in,into,out of
in 是表示在中间的一种静止的状态,into 是表示从外入内的运动,out of 是表示在外面的状态,或是出到外面来的运动。
Fish live in the water;they cannot live out of it.
He came into the room when we were going out of it.
④ along,across,through
along 是表示“沿着”一个长东西的位置,across 表“交叉”或“横断”,through 表“贯通”。
The ship sailed along the coast.
A road runs across the plain.
The river flows through the city.
⑤ in front of,behind
in front of 是“在前”,behind 是“在后”。
There is an automobile in front of the school.
He hid himself behind the door.
⑥ on,off
on 是说表面的接触,off 则相反地,为离去之意。
You should not put your elbows on the table.(勿置肘于桌。)
The glass rolled off the table.(玻璃杯从食桌上滚下去了。)
⑦ between,among
between 是说二者之间,among 则为多数之间。
He lives about half-way between Taipei and Taichung.
The robins were playing among the trees.
⑧ around,round,about
around 表示周围静止的位置,round 表示在周围回转的运动,about 则为漠然地说那周围。
We sat around the fire.
Let us walk round the pond.
We rowed about the pond.
(注)在美国 around 与 round 二词常混用。
⑨ by,beside,at
by,beside 是表示“偶然的接近”,at 是表示“有意志的接近”。
There is a pinetree by(beside)the gate.
Wives are chatting at the well.
⑩ to,for,toward
to 用于 go,come 等动词,for 用于 start,leave 等动词,二者都是表目的地的。toward 便有“向着”之意,单表示运动的方向。
He went to Europe last week.
He left Taipei for America.
He ran toward the seashore.
3. 表来源的介词:from,of
What part of the country does he come from?
That young man is of a noble family.
4. 表材料或原料的介词:from,of(from 表原料,of 表材料)
Brandy is made from grapes.
Her clothes are made of muslin.
He makes many things out of paper.
(注)make 如与 of 分离的话,就常要用 out of 代替 of。
5. 表行为者及手段的介词:by,with
by 用于 Passive 之后,行为者之前;with 表示用什么工具,而 by 则表示用什么手段。
He was killed by a burglar.(行为者)
He was killed with a pistol.(工具)
He left Taipei for America by Pan American Clipper.(手段)
比较: |
You must write your dictation with pen and ink. But you must not write it in red ink. |
6. 表原因的介词:from,of,through,at,over,with,for
①from 表直接的原因
He is suffering from influenza.
②of 表死因,但如说出 cause 一字来,便要用 from 了
His brother died of typhoid fever.
Cf. He died from unknown cause.
③through 表存在的原因,主要指不注意、疏忽等的原因
It was entirely through your neglect that your child was run over by a motorcar.
④at 用于见闻及喜怒哀乐等场合,over 则用于表示成为原因的事情
The whole nation rejoiced at the news of victory.
The nation rejoiced over the victory.
⑤with 是表由外界而及于肉体的原因,for 是表于心灵的无形的原因
He is shivering with cold on the ice.
I tremble for your safety.
7. 表目的的介词:for,after,on
Some work for money,others for fame.
What is he after?
He has gone to America on business.
8. 表理由的介词:for,on
California is famous for its oranges.
He declined on the ground of previous engagement.
9. 表结果的介词:to,into
表一般的结果都是用 to,表变化的结果才用 into。
To his great surprise,he found the house quite neat and clean.
Wheat is ground into flour.
10. 表比较的介词:with,to
同类相比用 with,异物相比用 to。
The Thames is not to be compared with the Yangtze River.
We compare life to a voyage.