- 画册:身边·记忆·变迁.少数民族摄影人才培养工程(第一期)学员作品集
- 中国摄影家协会
- 178字
- 2020-06-24 22:50:42
卖米粑粑的老板娘 The Rice Bun Lady

by Zhao Yinghuai (Hubei, Tujia)
Taken in September, 2012, in the street of Zhonglu Town, Lichuan City, Enshi Tujia and MiaoAutonomous Prefecture, Hubei.
Rice buns are a special food of the Tujia. While a villager was buying a few rice buns, the ladywanted to give another 2 free rice buns to him, but he politely refused. They were jovially decliningeach other over the free rice buns.