翱翔 Soaring
舞 Dancing
阿旗赛马 Horse Race in A’qi by
大风顶的男孩 The Boy on Dafengding
背竹的村姑 A Village Girl Carrying Bamboo
传承 Inheritance
打磨秋 Grinding in Autumn
节日 Festival
大峡谷小镇 A Small Town in the Valley of a Large Gorge
侗家黑油茶 The Black Oil Tea of the Dong
纺 Weaving
风尘之行 Walking in the Dust
美少女 Beautiful Girls
拉家常 Chitchatting
魅力家园之苍天圣地阿拉善—千里冰封万里雪飘贺兰山 Alashan a Charming Homeland of Divinity under the Blue Sky—Helan Mountain Range
卖米粑粑的老板娘 The Rice Bun Lady
木卡姆升腾 Muqam Arising
赛马 Nadam Horse Race
留守儿童 Unattended Children
甜蜜微笑 Sweet Smile
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瓦里沟的三月 March in Waligou
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喂家畜 Feeding Time
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西藏波密八盖传统民居 Tibetan Traditional Inhabitant In Bagai Village Bomi County
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喜迎嘉宾 Greeting the Guests
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雪山主人 The Masters of Snow Mountain
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一步之遥 A Step Away
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鱼塘欢歌 Joyous Songs around a Fish Pond by
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采花节中的女子 A Girl in the Festival of Picking Flowers
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彩虹民族 Ethnicity of Rainbow
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塔吉克族婚礼 Wedding of Tajik People
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土陶匠人买买提的最后坚守 The Last Stick of The Potter Mehmet
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景颇族烧竹筒鱼 Jingpo People Grilling Fish in the Bamboo Tube
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瑶寨纪事 Chronicle of Yao Village
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银匠女 Lady Silversmith
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羌历年 Qiang's New Year
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赛马会上的买卖 Trade in the Horse Race Fair
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望粮兴叹 Just out of Reach
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美景如画的城中草原 The Picturesque Grassland in the City
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欢歌 Merry Song
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爱的小屋 House Full of Love
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印象·三江源 Impression of the Three Rivers Source
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潮起潮落 Ebb and Flow
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家乡通上了铁路 Railway Open in My Hometown
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有福人家 Blessed Family
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巨变 Huge Changes
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中阿之轴 Sino-Arab Urban Axis
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联手建成联心渠 Building lrrigation Channels Together
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德都蒙古人 Dedu Mongols
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山绿了,人富了 Greener Mountains Wealthier People
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农家书屋 Village Library
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三代人 Three Generations
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生在科技时代的我们 Us Living in an Era of Science and Technology
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云海风车 Windmills among the Cloud
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变迁 Changes
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二毛皮车间工人 Workers in Silver Fur Workshop
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风电进喀左 Wind Power into Kazuo
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木垒县哈萨克族刺绣 Kazak Embroidery in Mulei County
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宁夏生态移民搬迁 Ningxia Ecological Migrants Relocation
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消失的记忆 Lost Memory
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瑶寨变迁 Changes of Yao Village
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加油 Fighting
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小小摔跤手 Little Wrestlers
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乡村、童年、树 The Village Childhood and Trees
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远山 Distant Mountains
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裕固族民俗—戴头面礼 Yugu Custom-Wearing Special Hair Ornaments
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虚拟与现实之间 Between Illusion and Reality
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参加祭祀活动的人们 People in the Worship
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东方的士高土家“肉连响” Oriental Disco Tujia Roulianxiang
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传统油茶锅制作 Traditional Production of Oil Tea Pots
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二地村南木特藏戏 Rnam Thar Theatre of Erdi Village
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纪青龙 Worshiping the Green Dragon
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土家族毛古斯舞 Tujia Maogusi Dance
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土家族织锦传承人 Tujia Brocade Heirs
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窑厂纪事 Chronicle of a Kiln Workshop
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传承古老手工技艺的“花苗” Hua Miao-the Successor of Traditional Craftsmanship
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蜡染神韵 The Charm of Batik
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神秘地戏 The Magic Sorcerer's Dance
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抗英城 City of Fighting Against British Invaders
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阅兵式 Military Parade
更新时间:2020-05-13 18:05:04