Crossing the Bar

British|Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Sunset and evening star,

And one clear call for me!

And may there be no moaningmoan[məʊn] vt.呻吟 of the bar,

When I put out to sea.

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,

Too full for sound and foamfoam [fəʊm] n.泡沫,

When that which drew from out the boundlessboundless['baʊndləs] adj.无限的;无穷的 deep

Turns again home.

Twilighttwilight ['twaɪlaɪt] n.黎明;黄昏;暮光 and evening bell,

And after that the dark!

And may there be no sadness of farewellfarewell [ˌfeə'wel] n.告别,欢送,

When I embark;

For though from out our bourne of time and place

The flood may bear home far,

I hope to see my Pilot face to face

When I have crossed the bar.