- 销售英语 看这本就够了
- 施孝昌
- 1085字
- 2020-06-24 19:25:05
Unit 5 价钱好商量
You get a lot more than what you pay for
01 Take the big picture into account.
02 Our package is a better vaIue.
03 Our prices are Iower.
04 I wiII get you those tomorrow.
05 When wouId be a good time?
06 You get a Iot more than what you expected.

authorize 授权
reduction 减少
beat 击败
in the Iong run 长期来看
figure 想;认为
voIume 大量的
convinced 被说服
M:I'm sorry. I can't authorize(授权)that big of a price reduction.(減少)
W:Well,your competitor's price, as of today, beats(击败)yours.
M:However, you must take the big picture into account.
Our package,in the Iong run,(长期来看)is a better value.
W:How do you figure(想;认为)that?
M:If you figure the numbers, our prices are lower on a per call basis.
We sell to voIume(大量的)customers such as yourself.
W:I would like to see the numbers on that.
M:All right. I will get you those tomorrow.When would be a good time?
业务应用会话(Practice, Listen&Repeat)
M:I am convinced(被说服)that you get what you pay for.
W:That's not exactly the case with us.
You get a lot more than what you expected.
W:For this price, I hope I get a maintenance agreement.
M:Yes, that is included in the price.
W:Do you charge on a daily or hourly basis?
M:Whichever is lower is what you will be charged.
Because we deal in volume, low prices are passed on to you.
Our savings on overhead costs are what make our prices so competitive.