Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People s Republic of China
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Engineering Architecture
3.1 General Requirements
3.2 Standards Established
3.3 Architecture Planning
3.4 System Configuration
4 Design Factors
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Information Application System
4.3 Intelligent Integration System
4.4 Information Facility System
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4.5 Building Management System
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4.6 Public Security System
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4.7 Engineering of Electronic Equipment Plant
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5 House
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6 Office Building
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6.1 General Requirements
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6.2 Business Office Building
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6.3 Administrative Office Building
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7 Hotel Building
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8 Cultural Building
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8.1 General Requirements
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8.2 Library
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8.3 Archives
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8.4 Cultural Centers
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9 Museum Building
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10 Theatrical Building
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10.1 General Requirements
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10.2 Theater
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10.3 Cinema
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10.4 Radio and Television Building
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11 Exhibition Building
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12 Educational Building
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12.1 General Requirements
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12.2 Regular Institutions of Higher Education
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12.3 High School
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12.4 Junior High and Elementary School
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13 Financial Architecture
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14 Transportation Building
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14.1 General Requirements
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14.2 Airport Terminal
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14.3 Railway Passenger Station
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14.4 Urban Rail Transit Station
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14.5 Passenger Transport Station
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15 Medical Building
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15.1 General Requirements
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15.2 Hospital Building
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15.3 Sanatorium
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16 Sports Architecture
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17 Store Building
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18 General Industrial Building
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Explanation of Wording in This Standard
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List of Quoted Standards
更新时间:2021-04-20 11:24:10