- Web Development with MongoDB and Node.js
- Jason Krol
- 340字
- 2021-08-05 17:51:02
What this book covers
Chapter 1, Welcome to JavaScript in the Full Stack, introduces you to the world of full stack JavaScript development and reviews what to expect in the remainder of the book.
Chapter 2, Getting Up and Running, walks you through the necessary steps to download, install, and configure your development environment.
Chapter 3, Node and MongoDB Basics, is a brief introduction to the basics of JavaScript, Node.js, and MongoDB.
Chapter 4, Writing an Express.js Server, introduces you to the Express.js Node.js Web Framework and is a walkthrough of the code necessary to write the main application server.
Chapter 5, Dynamic HTML with Handlebars, teaches you how to create dynamic HTML pages using Handlebars, the popular template-rendering engine.
Chapter 6, Controllers and View Models, walks you through writing the Controllers and View Models for the main application, the core of the application's functionalities.
Chapter 7, Persisting Data with MongoDB, continues with our Controllers and View Models, where we wrap all of the logic using Mongoose with MongoDB as the main data layer for the application.
Chapter 8, Creating a RESTful API, reviews the concepts behind REST APIs and introduces the Postman REST Client tool to test and interact with our own custom Node.js API.
Chapter 9, Testing Your Code, introduces the tools and techniques to write automated tests for our Node.js code.
Chapter 10, Deploying with Cloud-based Services, is a step-by-step walkthrough of deploying your application to a number of popular cloud-based hosting services such as Heroku, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon's AWS.
Chapter 11, Single Page Applications with Popular Frontend Frameworks, takes a look at the current trend in thick client applications by learning more about popular frontend single application frameworks such as Ember.js, AngularJS, and Backbone.js. Additionally, you will learn about the popular build tools frontend developers use to make their lives easier.
Chapter 12, Popular Node.js Web Frameworks, takes a look at some very popular and robust alternatives such as Meteor and Sails, even though Express.js is one of the most popular web frameworks for Node.