
Angular components are inspired by the Web Components specification. At a very high level, Web Components have four pieces:

  • Custom elements: A user can create their own HTML element.
  • HTML imports: Import one HTML document into another.
  • Templates: HTML definitions of the custom elements.
  • Shadow DOM: A specification to write encapsulated logic of custom elements.

The preceding four specifications explain how a frontend developer can develop their own standalone, isolated, and reusable components, similar to a HTML select box (<select></select>), or a text area (<textarea></textarea>), or an input (<input />).
You can read more about the Web Component specification here:

If you would like to dig deeper into the Web Component, check out:

As mentioned, Angular is (loosely) built on Web Components, where the preceding four specifications are implemented in an Angular way.

In simple terms, our entire app is a tree of components. For example, if we look at the world's most viewed page,, it would look something like this:

And if we had to build this page in Angular, we would first split the page into components.

A visual representation of all the components that go into the preceding page would look like this:

Note: Each black box is a (custom) component.

As we can see from the preceding figure, the entire page is a tree of custom components.

A (custom) component would typically consist of three pieces:

  • component.ts: This represents the component logic
  • component.html: This represents the component view (template)
  • component.css: This represents the component specific styles

To build a custom component, we need to use a Component decorator on top of a class. In simple terms, a decorator lets us configure a class with specific metadata on them. This metadata will then be used by Angular to understand the behavior of that class. Decorators start with an @, followed by the name of the decorator.

The component decorator tells Angular that the class being processed needs to exhibit the behavior of an Angular component. A simple decorator would look as follows:

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
// This is where we write the component logic!
title = 'Hello World!';

Some of the properties that go into a component decorator are:

  • selector: CSS selector that identifies this component in a template
  • templateUrl: URL to an external file containing a template for the view
  • styleUrls: List of URLs to style sheets to be applied to this component's view
  • providers : List of providers available to this component and its children

To know more about the Component decorator, refer to the following link: