How to do it...

To download JDK 1.8, perform the following steps:

  1. Visit the preceding Oracle's page for downloads.
  2. On that page, click the JDK Download link. After the click, you will see the content page for JDK 1.8 installers as shown in the following image:
  1. Select Accept License Agreement by clicking its radio button.
  2. Start downloading the JDK depending on the operating system and architecture of your development machine. In the case of this book, we will be choosing the option jdk-8u112-windows-x64 since the operating system used by this book will be 64-bit.
  3. After saving the installer into the filesystem, run the installer and proceed with a series of installation wizards for JDK configuration with the inclusion of some JRE installation to your system.
  4. This is optional but it is recommended you create an environment variable JAVA_HOME for your newly installed JDK 1.8.112. On Windows operating systems:
    1. Open the System section of the Control Panel.
    2. Select the Advanced System Settings link. Windows 10 will prompt you with a User Account Control dialog box if you are not an administrator.
    3. Create a system variable JAVA_HOME and assign the location of the JDK directory to it.
    4. Look for the path system variable and append the following line: %JAVA_HOME\%bin.
  5. Verify if all classpath settings are created correctly. On Windows, open a new command terminal and run the javac -version command. This command must be recognized as a valid command; otherwise, check your configuration details again.