How to do it...

After the initial setup and configuration, it is time to experiment with the Spring Security 4.2.2 module:

  1. Let us now disable the previous AppSecurityConfig model by applying comment symbols to its @Configuration and @EnableWebSecurity annotations:
public class AppSecurityConfig extends  
  WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { 
     // refer to sources    
The use of the @Order annotation can be another option instead of manually commenting the annotations in AppSecurityConfig. This also generates a precedence rule whenever we have a series of security models, although there are slight inconsistencies when @Order is used after their roll-out.
  1. Create another security model named AppSecurityModelA with the same in-memory user details and WebSecurity URL exemptions, but with some highlights on the HttpSecurity configuration for HTTPS security rules:
public class AppSecurityModelA extends  
  protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception { 
       // refer to sources     
  protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws  
     Exception { 
          .antMatchers("/login**", "/after**").permitAll() 
          .defaultSuccessUrl("/deptform.html", false) 
     public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws  
       Exception { 
        // refer to sources 
  1. Update SpringContextConfig by importing AppSecurityModelA, replacing the previous security context definition:
@Import(value = { AppSecurityModelA.class }) 
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "org.packt.secured.mvc") 
public class SpringContextConfig {  } 
  1. Save all files. Then clean, install, and deploy the project.
Shut down Tomcat 9 and remove the previously deployed ch04 project and its WAR file for this recipe to work. Clear also all the browser sessions.