How to do it…

To apply a source modification to your addon from GitHub, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Stop the instance using that addon
  2. Make a backup if it is a production instance (refer to the Manage Odoo server databases recipe in Chapter 1, Installing the Odoo Development Environment)
  3. Go to the directory where partner-contact was cloned:
$ cd ~/odoo-dev/my-odoo/src
  1. Create a local tag for the project so that you can revert to that version in case things break:
$ git checkout 11.0
$ git tag 11.0-before-update-$(date --iso)
  1. Get the latest version of the source code:
$ git pull --ff-only
  1. Update the partner_address_street3 addon in your databases (refer to the Install and upgrade local addon modules recipe)
  2. Restart the instance