Creating permission sets

Permission set licenses enable users to grant permissions to explore data and allow the user to manage it in Einstein. They also let Salesforce Community users view Einstein dashboards, as follows:

  • All users who wants to access the Einstein Analytics platform should have the Analytics permission set.
  • The community user must have the Einstein / Wave Community Users permission set license to view dashboards. Community users can see the applications shared via dashboards embedded in Visualforce pages.

The Analytics Cloud --Einstein Analytics platform permission set license enables the following permissions:

To create permission sets, you will have to perform the following steps: 

  1. Go to the Setup menu.
  2. Under Administer, navigate to Manage UsersPermission Sets and then click on New, as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. Give a label name under Label and an API name under API Name. Select the License type as Analytics Cloud Integration User and click on the Save button, as shown in the following screenshot:

For efficiency, you can assign a permission set to groups of users. Also, you can assign multiple permission sets to a user.