
This chapter acts as a foundation to the subsequent discussion of IIoT security methodologies. This chapter presented the enormity of the opportunities that IIoT offers, and established the need for securing IIoT deployments and investments.

Many foundational concepts of industrial systems and security were laid down in this chapter. Readers now understand the unique characteristics of ICS/SCADA/DCS systems, the implications of OT and IT convergence in the context of their divergent operational paradigms, and the prevailing cyber risk gaps in some prominent industrial use cases with real-world case studies.

As we continue to build an actionable blueprint for secured IIoT deployments, Chapter 2, Industrial IoT Dataflow and Security Architecturewill introduce the IIoT security framework for protecting industrial data flows and architecture. Readers will also find valuable information on IIoT threat modeling, and practical disciplines to decompose and design security architectures for highly sophisticated IIoT deployments.