Coding the boom method

Add the new highlighted code inside the boom method and then we will go through what just happened.

// This code says "BOOM!"
void boom(){


 // Wipe the screen with a red color
 canvas.drawColor(Color.argb(255, 255, 0, 0));

 // Draw some huge white text
 paint.setColor(Color.argb(255, 255, 255, 255));
 paint.setTextSize(blockSize * 10);
 canvas.drawText("BOOM!", blockSize * 4,
 blockSize * 14, paint);

 // Draw some text to prompt restarting
 paint.setTextSize(blockSize * 2);
 canvas.drawText("Take a shot to start again", 
 blockSize * 8,
 blockSize * 18, paint);

 // Start a new game

Most of the previous code is the same type of code as the draw method. In the previous code, we set blankBitmap to be viewed.


Fill the screen with a single color (in this case Red).

// Wipe the screen with a red color
canvas.drawColor(Color.argb(255, 255, 0, 0));

Set the color to use for future drawing.

// Draw some huge white text
paint.setColor(Color.argb(255, 255, 255, 255));

Set the text size to be quite large (blockSize * 10)

paint.setTextSize(blockSize * 10);

Draw a huge "BOOM" in roughly the centre of the screen.

canvas.drawText("BOOM!", blockSize * 4,
         blockSize * 14, paint);

Make the text size smaller again for a subtler message underneath "BOOM!".

// Draw some text to prompt restarting
paint.setTextSize(blockSize * 2);

Draw some text to prompt the player to take their first shot of the next game.

canvas.drawText("Take a shot to start again", 
      blockSize * 8,
      blockSize * 18, paint);

Restart the game ready to receive the first shot.

// Start a new game

There is one final task. We need to draw the location of the player's shot on the grid.