Drawing the HUD

Now we get to use the drawText method in the game. Add this highlighted code to the draw method.

void draw() {

   // Wipe the screen with a white color
   canvas.drawColor(Color.argb(255, 255, 255, 255));

   // Change the paint color to black
   paint.setColor(Color.argb(255, 0, 0, 0));

   // Draw the vertical lines of the grid
   canvas.drawLine(blockSize * 1, 0,
         blockSize * 1, numberVerticalPixels -1,

   // Draw the horizontal lines of the grid
   canvas.drawLine(0, blockSize * 1,
         numberHorizontalPixels -1, blockSize * 1,

   // Re-size the text appropriate for the 
   // score and distance text
   paint.setTextSize(blockSize * 2);
   paint.setColor(Color.argb(255, 0, 0, 255));
         "Shots Taken: " + shotsTaken + 
         " Distance: " + distanceFromSub,
         blockSize, blockSize * 1.75f,

   Log.d("Debugging", "In draw");

First, we set the size of the text to blockSize * 2. This is a simple way to make the size of the text relative to the number of pixels in the screen. Next, we use setColor and pass (255, 0, 0, 255) to the argb method. This will make whatever we draw next, Blue.

The final new line of code in the draw method is one long concatenation of text passed into the drawText method. Look at the line carefully at just the arguments to foresee what text will be drawn.

"Shots Taken: " + shotsTaken + 
      "  Distance: " + distanceFromSub,
      blockSize, blockSize * 1.75f

We concatenate the words "Shots taken: " followed by the variable shotsTaken then concatenate onto that the word " Distance: " followed by the variable distanceFromSub.

The next two parameters determine the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the text. As with the grid lines, using blockSize in the calculation will make the position relative to the many different sizes of screen that this game might be played on.

As with all our drawing methods, the final parameter is our object of type Paint.

Let's update the debugging text to be drawn on the screen and then we can look at what we have achieved.