Workspaces are areas where groups of users can collaborate with datasets, reports, and dashboards. You can create a workspace if you have a pro license of the Power BI service. This is the main way that your BI developers will be able to co-develop the same sets of data and reports. Typically, you'll create a workspace for each department in your company for the teams to store their items and data.
To create one, simply expand the Workspaces section in the left navigation menu and click Create App Workspace. Name the workspace that you wish to create and define whether members can edit the content or just view the content, as shown in the following screenshot. You can also define whether users will be able to see the content of what's inside the workspace without being a member. This doesn't mean they'll be able to see the reports, but they will be able to see the metadata. If you're running the Power BI premium edition, you can also assign the dedicated capacity to a given workspace.
This is handy for those executive reports that must always return their visuals in a few seconds: