Getting ready

Flask-SQLAlchemy is the extension that provides the SQLAlchemy interface for Flask.

This extension can simply be installed by using pip as follows:

    $ pip3 install flask-sqlalchemy

The first thing to keep in mind with Flask-SQLAlchemy is the application configuration parameter that tells SQLAlchemy about the location of the database to be used:

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = os.environ('DATABASE_URI') 

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI is a combination of the database protocol, any authentication needed, and also the name of the database. In the case of SQLite, this would look something like the following:


In the case of PostgreSQL, it would look like the following:


This extension then provides a class named Model that helps defining models for our application. Read more about database URLs at

For all database systems other than SQLite, separate libraries are needed. For example, for using PostgreSQL, you need psycopg2.