How to do it...

To use Moment.js in an application, please follow the required steps:

First, write a wrapper in Python and use it via the jinja environment variables, as follows:

from jinja2 import Markup 
class momentjs(object): 
    def __init__(self, timestamp): 
        self.timestamp = timestamp 
    # Wrapper to call moment.js method 
    def render(self, format): 
        return Markup("<script>\ndocument.write(moment(\"%s\").%s)
;\n</script>" % (self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-
%dT%H:%M:%S"), format)) # Format time def format(self, fmt): return self.render("format(\"%s\")" % fmt) def calendar(self): return self.render("calendar()") def fromNow(self): return self.render("fromNow()")

You can add as many Moment.js methods as you want to parse to the preceding class, as and when they're needed. Now, in your file, set the following created class to the jinja environment variables:

# Set jinja template global 
app.jinja_env.globals['momentjs'] = momentjs 

You can now use the class in templates, as shown in the following example. Make sure that the timestamp is an instance of a JavaScript date object:

<p>Current time: {{ momentjs(timestamp).calendar() }}</p> 
<p>Time: {{momentjs(timestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}}</p> 
<p>From now: {{momentjs(timestamp).fromNow()}}</p>