How to do it...

By default, the instance folder is picked up from the application automatically if we have a folder named instance in our application at the application level, as follows:

    - instance/ 
        - config.cfg 

We can also explicitly define the absolute path of the instance folder using the instance_path parameter on our application object, as follows:

app = Flask( 
    __name__, instance_path='/absolute/path/to/instance/folder' 

To load the configuration file from the instance folder, we will use the instance_relative_config parameter on the application object, as follows:

app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) 

This tells the application to load the configuration file from the instance folder. The following example shows how this will work:

app = Flask( 
    __name__, instance_path='path/to/instance/folder', 
app.config.from_pyfile('config.cfg', silent=True)