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To make our lives easier, we can use virtualenvwrapper, which, as the name suggests, is a wrapper written over virtualenv and makes the handling of multiple instances of virtualenv easier.

Remember that the installation of virtualenvwrapper should be done on a global level. So, deactivate any virtualenv that might still be active. To deactivate, use the following command:

$ deactivate
It is also possible that you might not be able to install the package on a global level because of permission issues. Switch to superuser or use sudo if this occurs.

Install virtualenvwrapper using the following commands:

$ pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
$ export WORKON_HOME=~/workspace
$ source /usr/local/bin/

In the preceding code, we installed virtualenvwrapper, created a new environment variable with the name WORKON_HOME, and provided it with a path, which will act as the home for all virtual environments created using virtualenvwrapper.

To create a virtualenv and install Flask, use the following commands:

$ mkvirtualenv my_flask_env
$ pip3 install flask

To deactivate a virtualenv, simply run the following command:

$ deactivate

To activate an existing virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper, run the following command:

 $ workon my_flask_env
Remember that all the commands used with virtualenv are also available with virtualenvwrapper. Commands such as  mkvirtualenv and workon are quick alternatives that make life a bit easier.