The @ConfigProperty annotation
The @ConfigProperty annotation can be used to inject configuration values in Java fields or method parameters using CDI, as shown:
@Inject @ConfigProperty(name="my.url") private URL myURL;
The @ConfigProperty annotation can have defaultValue, which is used to configure the field if the configuration property is not found in the underlying Config:
@ConfigProperty(name="my.url", defaultValue="http://localhost/")
private URL myURL;
If defaultValue is not set and no property is found, the application will throw DeploymentException as it cannot be properly configured.
It is possible to use Optional if a configuration property might not be present, as shown in the following code block:
private Optional<URL> someUrl; // will be set to Optional.empty if the
// property `my.url` cannot be found
After reading the configuration, we need to provide source configuration sources, which will be covered in the next section.