Using Selenium for advanced interaction

Sometimes, nothing short of the real thing will work. Selenium is a project to use to achieve automation in web browsers. It's conceived as a way of automatic testing, but it also can be used to automate interactions with a site.

Selenium can control Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Microsoft Edge, though it requires installing a specific driver for each case. We'll use Chrome.

Getting ready

We need to install the right driver for Chrome, called chromedriver. It is available here: It is available for most platforms. It also requires that you have Chrome installed:

Add the selenium module to requirements.txt and install it:

$ echo "selenium==3.141.0" >> requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

How to do it...

  1. Import Selenium, start a browser and load the form page. A page will open reflecting the operations:
    >>> from selenium import webdriver
    >>> browser = webdriver.Chrome()
    >>> browser.get('')

    Note the banner in Chrome showing it is being controlled by automated test software.

  2. Add a value in the Customer name field. Remember that it is called custname:
    >>> custname = browser.find_element_by_name("custname")
    >>> custname.clear()
    >>> custname.send_keys("Sean O'Connell")

    The form will update:

    Figure 3.6: Form being filled automatically

  3. Set the pizza size to medium:
    >>> for size_element in browser.find_elements_by_name("size"):
    ...     if size_element.get_attribute('value') == 'medium':

    This will set the Pizza Size radio button.

  4. Add bacon and cheese:
    >>> for topping in browser.find_elements_by_name('topping'):
    ...     if topping.get_attribute('value') in ['bacon', 'cheese']:

    Finally, the checkboxes will appear as marked:

    Figure 3.7: Form with checked boxes

  5. Submit the form. The page will submit and the result will be displayed:
    >>> browser.find_element_by_tag_name('form').submit()

    The form will be submitted and the result from the server will be displayed:

    Figure 3.8: Returned JSON information

  6. Close the browser:
    >>> browser.quit()

How it works...

Step 1 in the How to do it… section shows how to create a Selenium page and go to a particular URL.

Selenium works in a similar way to Beautiful Soup: you select an element and then manipulate it. The selectors in Selenium work in a similar way to those in Beautiful Soup, with the most common ones being find_element_by_id, find_element_by_class_name, find_element_by_name, find_element_by_tag_name, and find_element_by_css_selector.

There are equivalent find_elements_by_X actions that return lists by other attributes other than the first found element (such as find_elements_by_tag_name, find_elements_by_name, and more). This is also useful when checking whether an element is there or not. If there are no elements, find_element will raise an error while find_elements will return an empty list.

Data on the elements can be obtained through .get_attribute() for HTML attributes (such as the values on the form elements) or .text.

Elements can be manipulated by simulating sending keystrokes to input text with the method .send_keys(), sending clicks with .click(), or submitting the form with .submit(). Note that .click() will select/deselect in the same way that a click of the mouse will.

Finally, step 6 closes the browser.

There's more...

Here is the Python Selenium documentation:

For each of the elements, there's extra information that can be extracted, such as .is_displayed() or .is_selected(). Text can be searched using .find_element_by_link_text() and .find_element_by_partial_link_text().

Sometimes, opening a browser can be inconvenient. An alternative is to start the browser in headless mode and manipulate it from there, like this:

>>> from import Options
>>> chrome_options = Options()
>>> chrome_options.add_argument("--headless")
>>> browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)
>>> browser.get('')

The page won't be displayed, but a screenshot can be saved anyway with the following line:

>>> browser.save_screenshot('screenshot.png')

See also

  • The Parsing HTML recipe, earlier in this chapter, to learn how to parse elements in HTML.
  • The Interacting with forms recipe, earlier in this chapter, to see alternatives to dealing with forms.