Putting Mambo Files into the Web Server Root

In this book, we are going to use two installations of Mambo. The first will install the sample data, and will be accessed with the following URL, once we have installed Mambo:


The second installation will be blank; it will have no sample data and we will work with this to create our example site, Zak Springs. This installation will be accessed via:


For now, we'll concentrate on the first installation.

The first thing we need to do is to copy the folder containing the extracted Mambo files into our web server root directory (\xampp\htdocs\ if you are using XAMPP). Once you've copied that folder, rename it to mambo, and we're ready to go.


We will refer to the mambo folder in the web server root as the 'root of our Mambo installation'. Once the Zak Springs site is created, the zaksprings folder will contain its code and will be the root of that Mambo installation. The fact that we have two installations should not cause confusion.