Generating code

At this stage, we have drawn the definitions for a new content type based on Plone's default News Item but with some differences: there's a lead field, a country field, and a modified relatedItems field. There's also a new countryVocabulary method that will provide the country options list for that field.

Generating code

To turn all these drawings into a Plone usable content type, we must finally use ArchGenXML.

How to do it…

  1. Save the model as poxContentTypes.zargo inside the models folder we created before.
  2. Go to your ArchGenXML models folder and run:
    cd ~/libexec/archgenxml/models
    ../bin/archgenxml ./poxContentTypes.zargo
  3. If everything is okay, you'll get an output similar to this:

    INFO ArchGenXML Version 2.4.1

    (c) 2003-2009 BlueDynamics Alliance, Austria, GPL 2.0 or later

    INFO Directories to search for profiles: ['~/archgenxml/profiles']

    INFO Parsing...

    INFO Profile files: '{u'archgenxml_profile.xmi': u'~/archgenxml/profiles/archgenxml_profile.xmi'}'

    INFO Directory in which we're generating the files: ''.

    INFO Generating...

    INFO Starting new Product: 'poxContentTypes'.

    INFO Generating package 'content'.

    INFO Generating class 'XNewsItem'.

    INFO generator run took 1.00 sec.


    You might get this message while generating the code: WARNING Can't build i18n message catalog. Module 'i18ndude' not found. If that is the case, read Adding i18ndude support to ArchGenXML to add internationalization support.

  4. After this, you'll see a new poxContentTypes folder inside models with a main structure like:


    + content

    + locales

    + profiles

    + skins



    - configure.zcml

    - profiles.zcml

    - refresh.txt



    The + preceded lines are folders and the - preceded ones are files.

There's more…

We suggest you to:

See also

  • Adding i18ndude support to ArchGenXML