Installing ArchGenXML

Although ArchGenXML documentation provides several installation options, we have chosen the recommended one, that will help us in strengthening an already introduced concept: buildout. In addition, this method will let you share the buildout configuration file with your team and help them by easing their ArchGenXML installation as well.

Getting ready

On Linux as on Windows, we must have already installed Python 2.4. Check Installing Python on Linux and Installing Plone on Windows for details on this.

We'll proceed with the ArchGenXML installation.

How to do it…

  1. Create a directory for the target ArchGenXML installation and choose the installation directory of your preference. We have chosen libexec at the home folder (denoted by ~ on Linux):
    mkdir -p ~/libexec/archgenxml
    cd ~/libexec/archgenxml
  2. Download (or copy from an existing location) the file.
  3. Create a buildout.cfg file for ArchGenXML like the following one:
    parts =
    recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
    eggs = archgenxml
  4. Bootstrap and build ArchGenXML. Before proceeding make sure you use a Python 2.4 interpreter. If you are using virtualenv on Linux, you can activate it first as explained in Installing Python on Linux. You can also invoke the Python interpreter directly on its installation directory.

How it works…

We now have a correct installation of ArchGenXML. Now we just need to use it. To do so, we need an application to create UML (Unified Modeling Language) models that can export them into XMI format like ArgoUML, Poseidon, or ObjectDomain.

The following examples will be done on ArgoUML. You can get it from

See also

  • Installing Python on Linux
  • Installing Plone on Windows