Checking out code from a version controlsystem

Developing without a Version Control System (VCS) is strongly discouraged: you may not want to use VCS while simply following the recipes in this book. However, any project, large or small, should use a VCS wherever possible. In the next chapter, we will start developing a package, so we’ll adjust our buildout with a handy extension to support the development of products: mr.developer.

How to do it…

Edit buildout.cfg and add the following lines:

extensions = mr.developer 
sources = sources 
# repository information here
# format <name> = <kind> <url>
# my.package = svn

How it works…

By adding the mr.developer extension, we can define a new [sources] section with settings to automatically checkout our projects—at buildout time—from whatever version control system we use. This will facilitate the repetitive task of updating every package we develop.

Supported kinds of repositories are:

More information about mr.developer is available at

There’s more…

If you are interested in any of the above VCS, read more about them at: