Installing Python on Linux

Plone 3 runs only on the old Python 2.4 version. Unfortunately, almost no modern Linux distribution (or distro) ships with or supports that version. To fill this gap, we can use a special buildout to install an isolated Python environment called virtualenv.

Even for the most modern Plone 4, which runs on Python 2.6, this method can also be applied, as we did find problems with Python 2.6, shipped with Fedora 11 and 12.


The idea of using virtualenv is to have a Python installation independent from the operating system's: no matter which version of Python is native in the OS, your Plone site will still work, as it will be never modified again unless you do it explicitly.

This first buildout, not the one that we’ll use to install Plone, is a good place to start to understand its parts and the way it works.

Getting ready

To set up virtualenv, we need any version of Python installed first. So just run your own distro package manager to get it, if it is not installed yet.


The following example installs Python 2.4.6 (the latest 2.4.x available at the time of writing) as a virtualenv. By changing the version number, you can apply the same method to create a Python 2.6 virtualenv. You can also get a copy of these two procedures in the source code that accompanies this book.

In the following procedure, we will compile and make Python, so we will need various packages installed in our system first. For Debian or Ubuntu, run this as root to get all the required dependencies:

# aptitude install gcc g++ libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev libreadline5-dev libssl-dev

In Fedora, run this command instead:

# yum install python-devel gcc gcc-c++ bzip2-devel gzip-devel zlib-devel readline-devel openssl-devel

Create a base folder for your Python 2.4 installation. We prefer ~/libexec/python2.4.

$ mkdir -p ~/libexec/python2.4
$ cd ~/libexec/python2.4

Then get the bootstrap Python script. This script installs the zc.buildout package inside the same buildout environment so that we won’t need any other external command.

$ wget*checkout*/zc.buildout/trunk/bootstrap/


Note that the *checkout* piece in the URL above is correct. It has no special meaning.

Enter the following buildout.cfg file to create virtualenv:

parts = 

# Add additional egg download sources here. 
# contains archives 
# of Plone packages. 
find-links = 

recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi 
url = 
executable = ${buildout:directory}/parts/python/bin/python2.4 

recipe = zc.recipe.egg 
eggs = 

recipe = iw.recipe.cmd 
cmds = ${python:location}/bin/python
${buildout:directory}/bin/virtualenv --clear . 

The above buildout configuration file has three parts, which have their own recipe parameter. Let’s go through each of them:

  • The [python] part uses the zc.recipe.cmmi recipe, which downloads Python source code and compiles it. The cmmi suffix stands for Compile Make and Make Install.
  • The [virtualenv] part uses the zc.recipe.egg recipe, which installs the virtualenv Python egg and creates the executable bin/virtualenv file.
  • The [make-virtualenv] part uses the iw.recipe.cmd recipe, which can execute arbitrary shell commands. In this case, it runs the installation of a virtualenv to create an isolated Python 2.4 environment in your system.

As you must have noticed, there are other lines of code besides the part definitions and their recipes. These lines are parameters required by every recipe, like url for the zc.recipe.cmmi recipe or cmds for iw.recipe.cmd.


Note that you can reference to variables defined in the buildout by writing ${part:parameter} as used in the last line: ${buildout:directory}.

You can correctly guess that there are many different recipes, each with their special parameter configuration and variables. For instance, there are recipes to install Varnish (a proxy cache server) and MySQL.


For a list of available recipes, you can visit

How to do it...

So far we have just created a configuration file to create a Python 2.4 environment, but we haven’t got it yet. So let’s move on.

  1. Run the bootstrap process:
     $ python

    You should get an output like this:

    How to do it...
  2. Start the buildout process with this command:
     $ ./bin/buildout

    Congratulations! You have successfully installed a clean Python 2.4 environment on your computer.

    How to do it...
  3. Now you have two different choices in how to use it:

    Specifying its path:

    ~/libexec/python2.4/bin/python <script>

    or by activating it to include it in your PATH environment variable:

    source ~/libexec/python2.4/bin/activate

    You’ll notice that this will change your prompt, as shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...
  4. Once activated, you can return to your original Python version by running:
    (python2.4) $ deactivate


    In the screenshot above, you can see that there are actually three different Python versions installed. The system default version is 2.6.2, and there is also a 2.6.4 and a 2.4.6 available in separate virtual environments.

How it works…

By running the bootstrap process in Step 1, we download the zc.buildout package. This creates the required directory structure and generates an executable buildout file, which will read and process buildout.cfg.

In Step 2, the buildout process downloads the Python 2.4 source code, compiles it, and then it creates the virtualenv.

See also

  • Installing Plone on Linux