- DL/T5257-2010火电厂烟气脱硝工程施工验收技术规程(英文版)
- 中国电力企业联合会
- 428字
- 2025-02-15 22:29:53
4 General
4.0.1 This standard is established to ensure project quality and standardize the construction acceptance of flue gas denitration projects of thermal power plant.
4.0.2 The construction acceptance of flue gas denitration projects of thermal power plant shall be carried out in accordance with this standard,with timely evaluation,and quality acceptance and evaluation certificate issuance.The projects construction acceptance shall comply with current national mandatory standards besides this standard.The imported equipment shall also comply with the standards of the producing countries and the manufacturers.
4.0.3 The construction company shall prepare a quality inspection and evaluation items table for the undertaken project according to the actual situation of denitration project and the requirements of Chapters 5~8.The quality inspection and evaluation items table prepared by the construction company shall be used after review and approval by the project owner or its representative(e.g.supervision organization).
4.0.4 The construction quality inspection and acceptance of flue gas denitration projects shall be carried out by section(inspection lot),sub-item,branch and unit projects in sequence.The next process shall not be started before the previous process passes inspection acceptance and quality evaluation.
4.0.5 The quality inspection,acceptance and evaluation of section(inspection lot),sub-item,branch and unit projects shall have accurate measurements,exact inspection results and complete data and signatures.Records shall be maintained for concealed works(see Table B.6 of DL/T 5417-2009).
4.0.6 The construction quality inspection,acceptance and unit project quality evaluation shall be based on the self-inspection and evaluation by the construction company.The concealed works shall be accepted by related organizations upon the notice of the construction company before concealment.Photos and video data,and acceptance documents shall be kept.
4.0.7 The quality inspectors of the superior can do spot check and re-check on the project inspection items at any time,and make evaluation based on the re-checked inspection result.
4.0.8 The participants and inspectors from all parties for construction quality acceptance shall be qualified accordingly and carry out project quality inspection,acceptance and evaluation strictly in accordance with this standard and relevant national and industrial standards,and be responsible for the project under acceptance and evaluation.
4.0.9 The ammonia station shall be sited and designed in accordance with GB 50058.
4.0.10 The fire fighting of ammonia station shall be in accordance with GB 50160.
4.0.11 The records of construction quality acceptance and evaluation shall be collated and filed as required,and handed over to the owner.