6.2 Oxygen Lance,Sublance and Lifting Device

Ⅰ Dominant Items

6.2.1 The oxygen lance and sublance must be subject to a hydrostatic test according to the requirement of the design technical document.

Quantity to be checked:100%

Inspection method:Observe,and check the record of hydrostatic test.

6.2.2 The parts,components and pipeline of the equipment contact with oxygen must not be stained with oil or grease.

Quantity to be checked:100%.

Inspection method:Check the record of degreasing,and check via wiping with white filter paper or exposing it under the ultraviolet lamp.

6.2.3 The clearance between the jaw or friction wedge of the lifting trolley's rope breaking(rope slack)protective device and the guide rail shall comply with the requirement of the design technical document.

Quantity to be checked:100%.

Inspection method:Check with a feeler gauge.

Ⅱ General Items

6.2.4 The allowable deviation for installation of lifting device shall comply with the requirements in Table 6.2.4.

Quantity to be checked:100%.

Inspection method:See Table 6.2.4.

Table 6.2.4 Allowable deviation for installation of lifting device


Table 6.2.4(Continued)
