- GB 50603-2010 钢铁企业总图运输设计规范(英文版)
- 中国冶金建设协会
- 500字
- 2021-04-01 13:59:41
4.2 Sanitary Protective Zone and Safety Distance
4.2.1 Sanitary protective zone shall be provided between the iron and steel enterprise and the residential area in accordance with the following sanitary safety distance:
1 Safety distance between the residential area and the surface ming fields,crushing and screening plant,and benefication plant for iron ore,clay minerals,manganese ore,dolomite and limestone mines is 300m-500m.
2 Sanitary safety distance between the iron and steel plant and the residential area shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 4.2.1.
Table 4.2.1 Sanitary safety distance(m)

Notes:1 Sanitary safety distance refers to the minimum distance from the boundary of the department(workshop or working section)which generates harmful factors to the boundary of the residential area.
2 Wind speed is taken as the average wind speed over the past 5 years in the area where the enterprise is located.
4.2.2 The sanitary protective zone shall make the most of the existing green area,water area,hill or nonconstructed area.
4.2.3 The sanitary protective zone shall be utilized and greened,but no houses for permanent living shall be built.
4.2.4 For industrial facilities of mines,their permanent and semi-permanent buildings and structures shall be arranged outside the boundary of blasting dangerous area of the surface mining field and shall meet the relevant requirements in current national standard GB 6722 Safety Regulation for Blasting.
When the buildings and structures closely related with excavation and transportation operation must be arranged inside the boundary of blasting dangerous area of the open pit,the distance between the said buildings and structures and the nearest blasting point shall be determined through calculation,and the precautions shall be taken accordingly.
4.2.5 In case of underground mining,the buildings and structures on the ground surface shall be located outside the surface subsidence limitation.Safety distance between the buildings and structures and the surface subsidence limitation shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 4.2.5 as well as the following requirements:
Table 4.2.5 Safety distance between surface subsidence limitation and the buildings and structures

Note:The safety distance for buildings and structures not listed in the table above may be determined with reference to the table based on their importance and application,etc.
1 For calculation of the safety distance,counting shall be made from the nearest edge when it comes to the buildings and structures,from the most outside engineering facility when it comes to railways and roads,and from boundary line or enclosure wall centerline of the plant(yard)when it comes to industrial site.
2 Safety distance of the cultural relics and memorial buildings of which the State Council has issued explicit order for protection shall meet the requirements of the pertinent laws,regulations and standards of the nation,and shall be submitted to the competent administrative authorities for approval after being analysed and reasoned.