
直接标价法(direct quotation)

间接标价法(indirect quotation)

交叉汇率(cross exchange rate)

实际汇率(real exchange rate)

有效汇率(effective exchange rate)

即期外汇交易(spot exchange transactions)

远期外汇交易(forward exchange transactions)

外汇远期升水(forward premium)

外汇远期贴水(forward discount)

外汇掉期(foreign exchange swap)

货币掉期(currency swap)

外汇期货(foreign exchange futures)


多头(long position)

空头(short position)

抛补利息套利(covered interest arbitrage, CIA)

抛补利率平价条件(covered interest parity)

外汇期权交易(foreign exchange options)

看涨期权(call options)

看跌期权(put options)

金平价(gold parity)

国际借贷说(theory of international indebtedness)

无抛补利率平价条件(uncovered interest parity, UIP)

购买力平价说(theory of purchasing power parity)

哈罗德-巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应(HBS effect)

一价定律(the law of one price)


资产组合平衡分析法(portfolio balance approach)