- 战病菌(英文版)Fight Bacteria
- 万景华
- 295字
- 2024-11-02 07:23:46

(120) Penicillin opened up a new era of antibiotics, streptomycin, aureomycin, oxytetracycline ... all kinds of drugs came along. But actually, the history of antibiotics could be traced back to much longer time ago, and it was the contribution of Chinese people.

(121) Far back in the Han Dynasty, the Chinese people had used mold on bean curds to treat scars and sores on the skin. This method had been used by the Chinese folks and was also recorded in ancient Chinese books. This is really the world's earliest application of antibiotic.

(122) In the fight against germs, there is another secret micro-weapon smaller than bacteria – bacteriophages. It lives exclusively on germs and was discovered by Félix d'Herelle, a young scientist of Hospital Pasteur in France.

(123) In 1958, a Chinese steel worker QIU Caikang was badly burned by molten steel, and a kind of bacterium called pseudomonas aeruginosa multiplied on his wound, threatening his life. Medical workers then treated him with bacteriophages of pseudomonas aeruginosa and saved QIU's life.

(124) Today's scientists are faced with a difficult task to challenge the virus, which can cause some known infections such as influenza and hepatitis. In fact, viruses are not toxins, but organisms smaller than bacteria.

(125) This pathogenic microorganism was discovered by Dmitri Iosifovich Ivanovsky in Russia in 1892. But because it was too small to be seen with a microscope, the related research has not made much progress. Now, it's finally showing its true form under an electron microscope.

(126) In the broad battlefield of mankind against germs, fierce and tenacious pathogenic bacteria have been defeated one after another. Now it is time to attack the virus. Of course, the road will be very rough, but we will never stop fighting.