TPO 22



ethanol并不能替代gasoline,接下来会有三个理由。这是标准的“观点+三个理由”的文章形式。e × e是可以用来代替gas的,阅读的三个理由要么错了要么不能支持结论。


不能改善global warming,因为e也会产生CO2global warming ↑ ←CO2← e 两种可能策略:e产生的CO2没有gas那么多;就算e产生大量CO2,但对于环境问题是有帮助的。


e的制造消耗大量资源,影响别的事业。cost大, × other功能 两种可能策略:e消耗的资源不会那么大;就算e消耗的资源很大,也不会影响别的行业。


e价钱太贵,需要政府资助。$↑ 两种可能策略:e根本不需要那么贵;就算e贵,还是必须要使用。


Ethanol…good alternative to gasoline明显是废话,我们当然知道要说这个。not one of these three reasons is convincing继续是废话。

First,准备要讨论CO2问题了。not add to global warming,立场已经表明了。It's true说明要让步,承认阅读中的某些信息,准备听是什么。release CO2,说明阅读确实没说错。but说明要指出CO2为什么不增加,要给出重点理由了。made from plants,不知道要说什么,继续听。growing plants counteracts this release of CO2,这一下应该彻底明白了:种植物过程是吸收CO2的,所以就和最后燃烧产生的CO2平衡了,不会真的增加CO2排放。Let me explain说明接下来是详述刚才的内容,大方向已经确定。growing plant absorbs CO2已经是预见到的了。So growing plants for ethanol…removes CO2是废话,不用记。× global warming↑,<e → CO2 >, grow corn→ 吸CO2 ,counteract


Second,准备讨论干扰其他行业的问题。doesn't…reduce the sources of food for animals,明显直接反驳阅读理由,不干扰畜牧业食物来源。produce ethanol using C (很可能大家只能听出一个音,并不能将cellulose写出来,这对于写作是不会有影响的)。component of plants'cell walls,听到这儿就知道可以绕过cellulose这个词了。但到这儿还没说清楚为什么不影响animals'food。find most cellulose in those parts of plants…not eaten by animals,听到这一处,就知道阅读理由被否定了。我们显然可以用这些不被动物吃的部分制造ethanol。So since we can produce ethanol from the plant parts that aren't eaten… animal feed…available will not reduce,听出这些内容就知道肯定是废话总结了,不用记。× reduce food, cellwalls, not eaten by animals, × feed↓

本段逻辑梳理:ethanol的制造靠的是植物cell walls中的成分,而这种成分可以来自植物很多位置,并不需要是动物们吃的部分。所以,如果拿这些部分做e的原料,则使用e做gas的替代物不会影响动物饲料的产量。这一刻应该意识到,阅读中说制造ethanol影响其他行业,比如饲料来源。听力有可能针对其他各种行业,也可能只针对饲料来源这个例子。而现在我们应该确定,听力针对的是这个例子,则写作的时候也应该只复述这一个行业。

Third,准备谈论价钱。in the future,ethanol will…compete with gas oline in terms of price,明显就是要说ethanol价钱不贵了,后面看看是如何做到的。It's true,又要让步了,看阅读说对了什么。government subsidies make ethanol cheaper,这承认了现在e的价高。but…won't always be needed,基本符合预期了,未来ethanol肯定廉价。enough people start buying ethanol,producers will increase their production,基本已经明确低价的来源了。increased production…leads to a drop in its price是废话。So the price of ethanol will go down as more of it becomes available完全是废话。Studies show that if ethanol production…three times greater… the cost…drop by 40%,明显进一步说这个产量增加减少价钱,和前面一回事儿,不用记录。future price, <subsidies>, won't need,人buy↑, produce↑, $↓



The article offers three reasons why ethanol won't successfully replace gasoline. However,the lecturer insists on its support for ethanol,rejecting each of these three reasons.这个结构体现了“观点+三个理由”的阅读模式与听力的反驳模式。

For starters, while the lecturer concedes that ethanol combustion releases CO2, he claims that adopting ethanol would not, as the article suggests, increase the overall amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. His reason is that ethanol is produced from crops like corn, the growing of which absorbs CO2 and counteracts the later release of CO2.

Second, the lecturer simply does not agree with the article that ethanol production reduces food sources for animals, because ethanol is mainly produced from a substance in cell walls and cell walls appear in many parts of plants that are not eaten by animals. From his perspective, as long as ethanol is produced from these parts, animal feeds will not be influenced.

As for the reading's concern about ethanol's excessive price, the lecturer accepts that ethanol is currently relying on government subsidies, but he insists that in the future such assistance will not be necessary. He projects that as more consumers switch to ethanol use, ethanol producers will increase its production, thereby eventually reducing its price enough to compete with gasoline.