- BASIC LITERATURE:美国学生现代英语文学读本(英文原版 套装共8册)
- 威廉·H.爱尔森 露娜·朗克尔
- 229字
- 2020-11-18 14:24:11
A kite flew far up into the clouds.
It played with the wind.
It looked at the sun.
The kite saw a butterfly far below.
“Look at me! ”said the kite.
“See how high I am!
I can see far, far away.
Maybe I shall fly to the sun.
Don't you wish you were a kite?
Then you could fly with me.”
“Oh, no! ”said the butterfly.
“I do not fly very high.
But I go where I please.
You fly very high.
But you are tied to a string! ”
(Russian Tale)
Word list
kite: a toy that flies high in the sky
string: long, thin material that is attached to a kite
You Practice
A) Compound words—Compound words are when two words are joined as one. For example,butterfly is a compound word made from the words “butter”and “fly”. Match the words below to make compound words.
B) Answer the following questions.
1) How are kite and butterflies similar?
2) How are kites and butterflies different?
3) Have you ever flown a kite? If not, would you like to?
4) Would you rather be a kite or a butterfly? Why?
5) What are some other things that are similar to kites and butterflies? How are they similar?