- 托福高分万能思路:跟名师练TOEFL口语/写作
- 傅辰等
- 1253字
- 2025-02-17 22:01:59
第十二类 动物保护

01 Do we need animal shelters, and why?

1.1 帮助找回宠物
Animal shelters are very helpful for returning lost pets. Sometimes it would be impossible to return pets without shelter assistance, because pets may stray miles from their homes. Even when pets are found, those that find them may not have the patience, time, or resources to reunite
the pet with its owner. My grandmother once had a stray shepherd
living in her barn. However, he ran away and didn't return. When shelter workers examined his tags they found, he was three states away from home. When they contacted the owner, they discovered he had been missing for two years. Without shelters, he might never have found his way back.
1.2 控制危险动物
We all know not all animals are friendly. Some animals can harm people or other animals. Because animal shelters exist, people of the community can call animal control to help get rid of dangerous animals. This can help people feel safe. If there weren't any animal shelters, there wouldn't be a place for these dangerous animals to go and people would have no clue how to deal with them. For example, if a stray animal goes into someone's back yard and is hurting their pets, they can call the shelter to take the animal away. Or, if there is a snake or raccoon
that is not supposed to be in the house, then the animal control officer can remove them from the house.
Just as humans, pets such as dogs and cats also need to be loved. Sadly, many homeless pets are being abandoned, avoided, or even beaten by us. No wonder many lovely pets turn insecure and aggressive after wandering too long on the streets. If, however, the government has more funds to allocate
to animal shelters, the staff there will surely provide the securities that these animals need. Moreover, they might even find these animals new homes.
1.3 收养,保护动物
If a pet is not wanted anymore, the shelter can take it in and give it a second chance at finding another home. If a family can no longer take care of the pet, they can drop it off at the shelter instead of letting it go on the streets, where it has a greater chance of dying. The shelter can also make sure they find the right home for these pets. When animals arrive at a shelter they are checked for anything wrong. They make sure they get vaccinations
. Shelters provide food, water, protection, medical care, socialization and a simple feeling of security to these animals.
02 What are the benefits of owning a pet?

2.1 放松,让心情变好
For those who love animals, it is almost impossible to stay in a bad mood when you look into the soft eyes of a dog or have a soft furry cat rub up against your leg. Further, I find it even easier to snap out of
a dark mood when I engage in conversations with my dogs. They always seem to agree with me, and listen quite assuredly
with no judgment attached. After a long day at school, when you return home, having a pet all excited by your side, licking and compelling
you really helps you to loosen up5. They are always happy to see me, and don't mind listening to any complaints I might make about the day.
2.2 责任感
Caring for pets is a great way to teach children responsibility. It gives them a taste of what it feels like to be relied on. It is more effective than any other way I know. For example, feeding a pet is something concrete that all children can understand. They know what it feels like to get hungry and they understand that food is the cure for hunger. When their pet“attacks” the food and gets satisfied they will know what they have done is really important. They will come to see that their parents are doing the same for them as what they are doing for their pets. They will be more willing to get involved in family activities like helping parents with chores. They will be more responsible for their own tasks.
2.3 锻炼身体
Having a pet encourages you to exercise more. For example, if you have a dog, you have to walk your dog on a daily basis. Also, you need to spend maybe an hour a day to play with your dog to make it happy. It doesn't matter if you throw balls around or play hide-and-seek. it helps you to get some exercise. As long as you have your dog, all this keeps you in kind of a daily routine and helps you keep healthy and fit.
03 What do you love about dogs?
3.1 安慰人
Dogs are really good at comforting people. When I feel blue, they cuddle up agaist me and give me a moment of comfort. They keep me warm and always make me feel safe. After a bad day, when I come home, all I want to do is see my dog's cute face and let him lick my hands. I feel better and forget all the troubles in a very short time. When I feel angry and want to complain, my dogs will always be there to listen to me. They never judge me, and stay by my side, supporting me.
3.2 锻炼身体
Having a dog encourages you to exercise more. For example, if you have a dog, you have to walk it on a daily basis. Also, you need to spend maybe an hour a day to play with your dog to make it happy. It doesn't matter if you throw balls around or play hide-and-seek. It helps you to get some exercise. As long as you have your dog, all this keeps you in kind of a daily routine and helps you keep healthy and fit.
04 What do you love about cats?
4.1 猫不用总洗澡
Unlike dogs, kitties don't usually need to be bathed. Instead, they self-clean. That helps a lot for a lazy person like me. I don't need to spend too much time cleaning them. I used to have a dog. He was always messing around in the neighborhood. So he was always dirty. I had to bathe him like 2 times a week. It was a very hard time to clean him as he always refused to take bath. However, when I got my cats, I found out they could take care of themselves very well. They would use their tongues to lick their bodies and use teeth to dig outtougher debris. So I can save much time for doing other things.
4.2 使人放松
Cats are just so cute. They are lazy creatures who lie on your floor, beds, desks, lap or bathtub. When you come home, they approach you quietly and ask you for a back massage. Occasionally, they might be in a bad mood and knock overthe food you put in their plate. You might get mad. But when you do want to yell at them, they somehow can sense it and start to pretend to be innocent by flipping their stomach upward toward you. Then your anger instantly disappears and you feel light-hearted