- 销售英语 看这本就够了
- 施孝昌
- 14字
- 2020-06-24 19:25:05
第一章(Chapter 1)开口说销售英语
Unit 1 初次业务拜访
Here is my card
01 It's very nice meeting you.
02 I wiII take your card.
03 Here is my card.
04 We have a Iot in common.
05 How have you been?
06 Just Iet me know, if you need anything.

suggestion 建议
regarding 关于
purchase 采购
foIIow up 再度接触
M:Hello. I'm John Wang from Pacific Tech Company.
I don't believe we've met before.
W:No, I don't think we have.
My name is Susan Hope.
M:Well, it's very nice meeting you.
Do you have any suggestions(建议)about who I should speak with regarding(关于)sales?(关于我们的业务,您建议我跟谁谈?)
W:Actually,the woman who does our purchasing(采购)is in a meeting now.
So I will take your card.
M:Yes. Here is my card.
I will give you a call to foIIow up(再度接触)next week.
W:Thank you and nice meeting you.
M:Nice to meet you, too.
业务应用会话(Practice, Listen&Repeat)
W:Nice to see you again.
M:Yes. We need to get together more often.
W:Wow!I haven't seen you for a long time.
How have you been?
M:Fine, thanks. And you?
W:It seems that we have a lot in common.
M:Yes. We should get together for lunch some time.
M:If you need anything else, just let me know.
W:Thank you. I just might take you up on that.