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- 施孝昌
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- 2020-06-24 19:25:05
第二章(Chapter 2)超级业务员英语
Unit 7 有效的业务会面
That's why I came to see you
01 How are you?
02 It's been a Iong time.
03 It's why I came to see you.
04 CongratuIations.

05 It won't take Iong.
06 Do you remember me?
07 Thank you for your time.
since 自从
hear from 听到某人的消息
as a matter of fact 事实上
promote 升迁
congratuIation 恭贺
interview 采访报道
pIeasure 乐意
finaIIy 最后
W:Hello. How are you?
I t's been a long time(自从)since I've seen or heard from(听到某人的消息)you.
M:I know.
How have you been?
W:Great. Who are you working for now?
M:I'm still working for IBM.
As a matter of fact,(事实上)that's why I came to see you.
W:Well, most of my business is international.
M:Yes, I know.
I just got promoted(升迁)to the manager of Asian marketing.
What can I do for you?
业务应用会话(Practice, Listen&Repeat)
W:I'm on my way out right now, but I would love to talk to you later.
M:It won't take long, Ms. Lin.
W:Hi!Do you remember me?
I'm Rita Chen from the China Daily.
M:Yes. I remember our interview(采访报道)about a year ago.
M:Thank you so much for your time.
It was a pIeasure(乐意)talking with you.
W:Pleasure meeting you as well.
W:Allow me to introduce a co-worker of mine, Rita Chen.
She will be working with us on this new product.
M:How do you do, Ms. Chen?
W:I have heard so much about you.
I t's nice to finaIIy(最后)meet you.
M:Yes. Nice meeting you too.