- 全球土地2016:热点与前沿
- 吴次芳
- 1744字
- 2025-02-22 16:33:56
Management Transformation of Government Revenue from Land in China:Learn from Overseas Experience
Abstract:The transfer fees of the right to the use of the state-owned land in the urban areas, as the main source of local government revenue, have made positive contributions to urbanization and economic and social development.Because of the scale control of urban construction land and the unfair distribution of land interests, it also faces the challenge of unsustainability.The local government land revenue from land sales to the financial management of land use is the inevitable choice of land use and management reform in the new period.Based on the literature reading and normative research, this article clarifies the reason why land revenue becomes the source of government revenue.Comparing with the way and routes of the world's major national and regional governments to obtain land revenue, this article also analyzes the basic characteristics and existing problems of the current government land revenue management.According to the world's urban land use and government land income trends, this article furtherly puts forward the future direction of China's urban land finance transformation and government land revenue management reform from overseas experience.It is clear that the main source of government land income in the future should be the added value of existing urban state-owned land assets and land-related tax revenue.The current government can only use the land leasing income to be assessed on an annual basis during the term of office of the government.If borrowing more than land leasing income of the government's term of office, the current government should bear the responsibility of debt service.Based on the principle of"clear rental content, tax transparency, administrative fee reduction”, unreasonable repetitive taxes and unreasonable charges should be gradually reduced in the land and real estate transfer process in China.In order to promote urban land conservation and intensive use, China should introduce as soon as possible the land vacancy tax and real estate tax, and capture the additional value through the collection of planning permit fees, urban land development income return, urban planning adjustment agreement compensation etc.to make up for the reduction of land revenue due to reduced state-owned land transfer in the urban areas. Reform for land revenue management and real estate tax system in China cannot increase the economic burden of enterprises and the public in order to increase the government revenue.As the collective land comes into the market equally, its land value added tax to feedback society also need to be seriously considered.
Key words:land revenue; real estate tax system; land finance transformation