子项目二 商务宴请 Module II Banquet Reception

1.口译技巧 Interpreting Skills
Directions: Try to finish the following two exercises and learn the translating skills of Chinese dishes.
(1) Which method is adopted in translating the following Chinese dishes?
猪肉炖粉条 Braised Pork with Vermicelli
五味牛腱 Spicy Beef Shank
水晶萝卜 Sliced Turnip with Sauce
咕噜肉 Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat
回锅肉片 Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili
毛家红烧肉 Braised Pork, Mao's Family Style
鱼香肉丝 Fried Shredded Pork with Sweet and Sour Sauce
酥皮牛柳 Crispy Beef Filet
(2) Sight interpret the following Chinese dishes into English.
1 Roast Whole Lamb
2 Kung Pao Chicken
3 Sautéed Shredded Pork with Green Pepper
4 西红柿炒蛋
5 红烧牛肉
6 糖醋排骨
中餐菜名的翻译 Translating Chinese Dishes
中国饮食文化博大精深,历史悠久,风味流派众多。不仅拥有“四大风味”(Four Flavors)和“八大菜系”(Eight Regional Cuisines),还有许多地方性风味小吃(Local Delicacies)。从小吃到大餐,中国各地名吃举不胜举,千滋百味的名馔佳肴折射出中国深厚的饮食文化传统和个性鲜明的地域文化。

主料(形状)+ with +辅料
例如:牛肉豆腐 Beef with Tofu,杏仁鸡丁 Chicken Cubes with Almond
主料(形状)+ with/in +汤汁(sauce, soup, oil等)
例如:酱牛肉 Beef in Brown Sauce,葱油鸡 Chicken in Scallion Oil
例如:火爆腰花 Sautéed Pig Kidney,煎猪柳 Pan-fried Pork Fillet
烹法(动词过去分词)+主料(形状)+ with +辅料
例如:冬菜扣肉 Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetables,炸肉茄盒 Deep-fried Eggplant with Pork Stuffing
烹法(动词过去分词)+主料(形状)+ with/in +汤汁
例如:辣子肉 Sautéed Pork with Spicy Sauce,红烧狮子头 Braised Pork Ball in Brown Sauce
形状/口感+主料+ with +辅料
例如:八宝鸭丁 Diced Duck with Eight Delicacies,脆皮三丝卷 Crispy Rolls with Shredded Pork, Sea Cucumber, and Bamboo Shoot
形状/口感+主料+ with/in +汤汁
例如:水煮牛肉 Sliced Beef in Chili Oil,黄酒脆皮虾仁 Crispy Shrimps with Rice Wine Sauce
例如:水煮嫩鱼 Tender Stewed Fish,香煎鸡块 Fragrant Fried Chicken
例如:麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Tofu (Sautéed Tofu in Hot and Spicy Sauce)
例如:北京烤鸭 Beijing Roast Duck,东坡煨肘 Dongpo Stewed Pork Joint
(1)做法(动词过去式)/口感+主料+地名+ style
例如:川式煎鹅肝 Fried Goose Liver, Sichuan Style,港式脆皮虾 Crispy Shrimps, Hong Kong Style,江南百花鸡 Stuffed Chicken, Yangtze Delta Style
例如:家常蛋汤 Home-style Egg Soup,家常饼 Home-style Pancake
例如:汤圆 Tangyuan (Glutinous Rice Balls),油条 Youtiao (Deep-fried Dough Sticks),粽子Zongzi (Glutinous Rice Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves)
例如:盖浇面 Chinese-style Spaghetti
1 我们在翻译中餐菜名的时候,一方面应该采用写实性命名法,尽量将菜肴的原料、烹制方法、味形等翻译出来,让外宾一目了然;另一方面也应尽量保留菜肴中的文化内涵和民族特色,在有的口译场合甚至可以用阐释的方式介绍菜名中的典故、传说等。
2 中餐菜名的译法是灵活多样的,每道菜都可以从不同的角度入手进行翻译,至于采取哪种译法,可根据个人习惯和具体情况确定。
2.词汇准备 Vocabular y Preparation
Directions: Read the following words and phrases. Keep them in mind and get ready for the field interpreting. Then try to find more to enrich your language bank.

1. appetizer /,æpɪtaɪzə(r)/ n. 开胃菜
2. appetizing /,æpɪtaɪzɪŋ/ adj. 开胃的
3. baked /beɪkt/ adj. 烘焙的
4. banquet /,bæŋkwɪt/ n. 宴会
5. braised /breɪzd/ adj. 炖的
6. cuisine /kwɪ,ziːn/ n. 烹饪;烹饪法
7. dessert /dɪ,zɜːt/ n. 餐后甜食
8. entertain /,entə,teɪn/ v. 款待
9. ingredient /ɪn,gri:diənt/ n. 成分;原料
10. inviting /ɪn,vaɪtɪŋ/ adj. 诱人的
11. napkin /,næpkɪn/ n. 餐巾纸
12. pan-fried /pæn fraɪd/ adj. 煎的
13. roasted /,rəʊstɪd/ adj. 烤的
14. salted /,sɔːltɪd/ adj. 腌制的
15. sautéed /,səʊteɪd/ adj. 清炒的
16. scalded /,skɔ:ldɪd/ adj. 白灼的
17. shredded /,ʃredɪd/ adj. 切丝的
18. sliced /,slaɪst/ adj. 切片的
19. smoked /,sməʊkt/ adj. 熏制的
20. specialty /,speʃəlti/ n. 特色菜
21. steamed /,stiːmd/ adj. 蒸的
22. stewed /,stju:d/ adj. 煨的;闷的;炖的
23. tissue /,tɪʃu:; ,tɪsju:/ n. 手巾纸
1. buffet reception 冷餐招待会
2. business luncheon 商务聚餐
3. main course 主菜
4. propose a toast (to)致祝酒词
5. side dishes/sides 配菜
6. spicy hot 麻辣
7. staple food 主食
8. starter/the first course 头菜
9. strong/light flavor 重/清淡的口味
10. sweet and sour 糖醋
3.热身练习 Warm-up Exercises
Directions: Read the sentences in Part 1 and translate them into English. Then listen to the sentences in Part 2 and interpret them into Chinese. You can take notes in the space provided while interpreting.

Part 1 C-E Translation
Part 2 E-C Interpretation

4.口译实战 Field Interpretation
Task 1 Banquet Reception
Directions: Role-play the conversation within a group. Evaluate the interpreter's performance within your group.
Gates: Yes. Although it is our first visit to China, we often go to Chinese restaurants in New York and have learnt to manage chopsticks there.
After dishes are served
Gates: Oh. That's splendid. No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable. The dishes are really tempting. How colorful and fragrant, and I bet they are delicious, and so beautifully presented.
Gates: Yes. It looks very appetizing. Mm... it is wonderful. It just hits the spot.
Gates: Spirits is too strong for me. Just a glass of wine, please.

Gates: Thank you.
Everyone: Cheers!
Gates: In the West, dinner begins with soup while here in China it ends with soup. I learnt a lot about Chinese dietary customs today.
After the banquet
Gates: Yes. These dishes are all tasty, especially the curry beef with potatoes. Back in the United States, Chinese food is Americanized. It never tastes really Chinese.
Gates: No, thanks. I am positively full. At this point, I'd like to propose a toast to our friends. Mr. Chen, I wish your company a great success. To our friendship and cooperation, bottoms up.
Task 2 At a Chinese Banquet
Directions: Listen to the recording of Task 2. Take some notes in the space provided when necessary and interpret during the pauses with the aid of your notes.


5.拓展练习 Supplementar y Practices
Part 1 Sentence Consolidation
Directions: Listen to the recording and interpret the sentences into Chinese or English during the pauses. You can take notes in the space provided while interpreting.


Part 2 Skill Enhancement
On a Tour Bus
Directions: Role-play the conversation within a group of three or four. Evaluate the interpreters' performance within your group.
Visitor: Fantastic! I heard that the Chinese have a number of rules and customs associated with eating.
Visitor: To me, the main difference is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares.
Visitor: It's difficult. I had lots of practice before I can use chopsticks to eat noodles.
Visitor: Sounds complicated. It could be very embarrassing if you don't pay attention to.
Visitor: Tell me something about drinking. I heard drinking and toasting takes an important place in Chinese banquets.
Visitor: But what if I do not drink alcohol?
Part 3 Related Expressions
Directions: Translate the following restaurant expressions into Chinese or English. Keep them in mind and try to make up a dialog with them.
(1) We want two number eights, please.
(2) Many guests give high comments on the wine.
(3) Please rush our order.
(4) How do you like your steak done? (I'd like it) rare/medium/well-done.
(5) They are nice to go with the red wine.
6.知识拓展 Knowledge Development
Directions: Read the following text and try to understand some knowledge about business etiquette of banquet interpretation.
宴会口译商务礼仪 Business Etiquette of Banquet Interpretation
4 宾主双方在会客厅稍稍叙谈,期间将宴会桌次通知每一位出席者。
5 主人陪同主宾进入宴会厅,全体出席人员按指定位入席,宴会开始。
6 招待员顺次上菜。
7 宴会主人致祝酒词,一般安排在上第一道菜之后或入座之后。
8 主宾在主人讲话后致答谢词。
9 吃完水果或甜食,主人与主宾起立,宴会结束。
10 主宾告辞,主人送至门口。主宾离去后,按原迎宾人员顺序排列,与其他客人握手道别。
1 宴会可以分为两个主要阶段,双方发表讲话时是比较正式的阶段,而席间交谈则显得不那么正式。译员的主要任务就是把宾主双方的介绍、祝酒词、答谢词和席间交谈等翻译出来。
2 大部分宴会都比较正式,但相对会谈和会议来说,宴会的气氛更轻松活跃,话题也可能包罗万象,例如涉及饮食文化的内容,译员应做好充分的译前准备。
3 在宴会上译员一般不做笔记,所以应着重传达意思。
4 当宴会上出现冷场的局面,译员可根据实际情况,灵活地提出一个不敏感的一般性话题,如菜肴的风味、最近的天气等,同时把内容告诉另一方,有效促进双方交流。
5 译员在宴会上吃东西要特别谨慎,尽量避免食用带骨头的、有刺的、难以吞咽的食物,以免突然有人讲话时措手不及。
6 在用餐期间,主宾需要翻译时,译员应注意先将口中食物吞咽完后再做翻译。
7 译员应将餐具拿稳放好以免打翻,夹菜时切忌在盘中挑拣。
8 译员要适时而吃,随时能译,不可自享美食,甚至贪杯,而应保持积极的工作状态。有时可能遇到主宾双方都忙于说话,使得译员几乎没有时间吃东西的情况,这时译员也只能以工作为重。
(注意:学习更多餐桌礼仪的知识可登录以下网站进行查阅 http://www.etiquettescholar.com/etiquette_scholar/dining_etiquette.html)