Word List 2


prying /ˈpraɪɪŋ/

 adj. 窥视的

 trying to find out about other people's private lives

inhibit /ɪnˈhɪbɪt/

 v. 抑制,限制

 to hold in check

censure /ˈsenʃər/

 v. 指责

 to criticize severely; blame

peripatetic /ˌperipəˈtetɪk/

 adj. 巡游的


stringent /ˈstrɪndʒənt/

 adj. 非常严格的

 very strict or severe

dwindle /ˈdwɪndl/

 v. 减少,下降

 to gradually become smaller

underrate /ˌʌndəˈreɪt/

 v. 低估

 to rate or value(someone or something)too low

incursion /ɪnˈkɜːrʒn/

 n. 侵入,侵犯

 a hostile entrance into a territory

 n. 进入

 an entering in or into

pastiche /pæˈstiːʃ/

 n. 【贬】模仿作品

 a work that imitates the style of previous works

 n. 混合物

 a mixture of different things

dishearten /dɪsˈhɑːrtn/

 v. 使…士气低落

 to cause(a person or group of people)to lose hope, enthusiasm or courage

emulate /ˈemjuleɪt/

 v. 通过模仿而超越,模仿

 to strive to equal or excel

adduce /əˈduːs/

 v. 引用…证明

 to mention or provide(something such as a fact or example)as evidence or proof to support an argument

emblematic /ˌembləˈmætɪk/

 adj. 象征的,代表的

 representing something(such as an idea, state or emotion)that cannot be seen by itself

indict /ɪnˈdaɪt/

 v. 指控

 to charge with a fault or offense

discontinue /ˌdɪskənˈtɪnjuː/

 v. 终止

 to end(something)

wary /ˈweri/

 adj. 谨慎小心的

 marked by keen caution, cunning and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger

opprobrium /əˈproʊbriəm/

 n. 辱骂

 very strong disapproval or criticism of a person or thing especially by a large number of people

aesthetic /esˈθetɪk/

 adj. 美学的

 of or relating to art or beauty

expedite /ˈekspədaɪt/

 v. 加速,加快

 to cause(something)to happen faster

captivate /ˈkæptɪveɪt/

 v. 吸引

 to attract and hold the attention of(someone)by being interesting, pretty, etc.

irreversible /ˌɪrɪˈvɜːrsəbl/

 adj. 不可逆的

 impossible to change back to a previous condition or state

emotive /iˈmoʊtɪv/

 adj. 引起情绪的

 causing strong emotions for or against something

refine /rɪˈfaɪn/

 v. 提纯

 to remove the unwanted substances in(something)

 v. 改进,改善

 to improve(something)by making small changes

exhilarate /ɪɡˈzɪləreɪt/

 v. 使…喜悦或兴奋

 to cause(someone)to feel very happy and excited

solitary /ˈsɑːləteri/

 adj. 单独的

 not involving or including anyone or anything else

jar /dʒɑːr/

 v. 使…不安

 to make(someone)feel uneasy

 v. 抵触,冲突

 to clash or conflict

unfettered /ʌnˈfetərd/

 adj. 不受限制的,自由的

 not controlled or restricted

flummery /ˈflʌməri/

 n. 假恭维

 meaningless or deceptive language

implacable /ɪmˈplækəbl/

 adj. 不能安抚的,毫不妥协的

 opposed to someone or something in a very angry or determined way that cannot be changed

arduous /ˈɑːrdʒuəs/

 adj. 困难的

 demanding great effort or labor; difficult

 adj. 艰难的

 testing severely the powers of endurance; strenuous

conciliatory /kənˈsɪliətɔːri/

 adj. 安抚的,调和的

 having the intention or effect of making angry people calm

optimism /ˈɑːptɪmɪzəm/

 n. 乐观

 a feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future

vindicate /ˈvɪndɪkeɪt/

 v. 证明…的清白

 to show that(someone)should not be blamed for a crime, mistake, etc.

malady /ˈmælədi/

 n. 疾病

 a disease or illness

warrant /ˈwɔːrənt/

 v. 保证

 to give assurance

 v. 为…提供依据

 to serve as or give adequate ground or reason for

puncture /ˈpʌŋktʃər/

 v. 刺穿

 to make a hole in(something)with a sharp point

 v. 削弱,使…无效

 to make useless or ineffective as if by a puncture

ascribe /əˈskraɪb/

 v. 归因于

 to think of as coming from a specified cause, source or author

clandestine /klænˈdestɪn/

 adj. 秘密的,隐蔽的

 done secretly

equivocal /ɪˈkwɪvəkl/

 adj. 模棱两可的,有歧义的

 having two or more possible meanings

elucidate /iˈluːsɪdeɪt/

 v. 阐释,阐明

 to make(something that is hard to understand)clear or easy to understand

propaganda /ˌprɑːpəˈɡændə/

 n. 政治宣传

 ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc.

putative /ˈpjuːtətɪv/

 adj. 公认的,假定的

 generally believed or assumed to be something

conjecture /kənˈdʒektʃər/

 v. /n. 猜测

 v. to form an opinion or idea without proof or sufficient evidence

coalesce /ˌkoʊəˈles/

 v. 聚合,团结

 to come together to form one group or mass

tractable /ˈtræktəbl/

 adj. 易管理的,易控制的

 easily managed or controlled

warble /ˈwɔːrbl/

 v. 低吟浅唱

 to sing a melody of low pleasing sounds

knotty /ˈnɑːti/

 adj. 复杂的

 difficult or complicated

dichotomy /daɪˈkɑːtəmi/

 n. 矛盾的事物

 something with seemingly contradictory qualities

 n. 一分为二


restive /ˈrestɪv/

 adj. 不服管理的

 stubbornly resisting control

 adj. 不安的,没有耐心的

 marked by impatience or uneasiness

courteous /ˈkɜːrtiəs/

 adj. 有礼貌的

 very polite in a way that shows respect

invigorate /ɪnˈvɪɡəreɪt/

 v. 使…有活力

 to give life and energy to

truculent /ˈtrʌkjələnt/

 adj. 好争斗的

 easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue

 adj. 言语刻薄的

 scathingly harsh

congenial /kənˈdʒiːniəl/

 adj. 友善的

 very friendly

 adj. 和气的,令人愉悦的

 pleasant and harmonious

 adj. 性格相似的

 having the same nature, disposition or tastes

insouciance /ɪnˈsuːsiəns/

 n. 无忧无虑,不操心

 a feeling of not worrying about anything

devastate /ˈdevəsteɪt/

 v. 严重破坏

 to destroy much or most of(something)

 v. 使…痛苦

 to cause(someone)to feel extreme emotional pain

keen /kiːn/

 adj. 对…感兴趣

 very excited about and interested in something

 adj. 犀利的,尖刻的

 pungent; acrid

 adj. 聪明的,敏锐的

 having or marked by intellectual quickness and acuity

ethos /ˈiːθɑːs/

 n. (团体的)气质,氛围,信仰等

 the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature or guiding beliefs of a person, group or organization

flagrant /ˈfleɪɡrənt/

 adj. 臭名昭著的

 so bad as to be impossible to overlook

solitude /ˈsɑːlətuːd/

 n. 孤独

 a state or situation in which you are alone usually because you want to be

anachronism /əˈnækrənɪzəm/

 n. 时代错乱

 something(such as a word, an object or an event)that is mistakenly placed in a time where it does not belong in a story, movie, etc.

 n. 不合时宜,过时

 one that is out of its proper or chronological order, especially a person or practice that belongs to an earlier time

turbid /ˈtɜːrbɪd/

 adj. 浑浊的

 having sediment or foreign particles stirred up or suspended

 adj. 混乱的

 in a state of turmoil

confine /kənˈfaɪn/

 v. 限制

 to keep within limits

venerate /ˈvenəreɪt/

 v. 尊敬

 to feel or show deep respect for

premeditate /ˌpriːˈmedɪteɪt/

 v. 预谋,提前谋划

 to think, consider or deliberate beforehand

insular /ˈɪnsələr/

 adj. 孤立的

 separated from other people or cultures

 adj. 思想狭隘、守旧的

 not knowing or interested in new or different ideas

consolidate /kənˈsɑːlɪdeɪt/

 v. 巩固

 to make(something, such as a position of power or control)stronger or more secure

upheaval /ʌpˈhiːvl/

 n. (引起混乱的)剧变

 a major change or period of change that causes a lot of conflict, confusion, anger, etc.

unyielding /ʌnˈjiːldɪŋ/

 adj. 不妥协的,固执的

 not changing or stopping

mendacious /menˈdeɪʃəs/

 adj. 欺骗的,不诚实的

 not honest

sonorous /ˈsɑːnərəs/

 adj. 声音洪亮的

 having a sound that is deep, loud, and pleasant

fertile /ˈfɜːrtl/

 adj. 多产的(即可指农作物,也可以指思 想、想法)

 producing a large amount of something

decadent /ˈdekədənt/

 adj. (思想)堕落的,颓废的

 having low morals and a great love of pleasure, money, fame, etc.

 adj. 三俗的(庸俗、低俗、媚俗的)

 attractive to people of low morals who are only interested in pleasure

indispensable /ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl/

 adj. 不可缺少的

 extremely important and necessary

covert /ˈkoʊvɜːrt/

 adj. 秘密的,隐蔽的

 secret or hidden

instinct /ˈɪnstɪŋkt/

 n. 本能

 a natural or inherent aptitude, impulse or capacity

discern /dɪˈsɜːrn/

 v. 识别,察觉

 to detect or recognize

orientation /ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃn/

 n. 取向,态度

 a usually general or lasting direction of thought, inclination or interest

 n. 方向

 the relative position or direction of something

riddle /ˈrɪdl/

 n. 难题,谜题

 a mystifying, misleading or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed

jejune /dʒɪˈdʒuːn/

 adj. 无聊的

 not interesting

clownish /ˈklaʊnɪʃ/

 adj. 小丑般的,滑稽的

 acting in a silly or funny way

indifferent /ɪnˈdɪfrənt/

 adj. 冷漠的

 not interested in or concerned about something

 adj. 客观公正的

 characterized by a lack of partiality; unbiased

lethargic /ləˈθɑːrdʒɪk/

 adj. 无生气的,缺乏热情的

 feeling a lack of energy or a lack of interest in doing things

clique /kliːk/

 n. 小团体

 a small exclusive group of friends or associates

fungible /ˈfʌndʒəbl/

 adj. 可替代的

 interchangeable or replaceable

complimentary /ˌkɑːmplɪˈmentri/

 adj. 赞美的

 expressing praise or admiration for someone or something

empirical /ɪmˈpɪrɪkl/

 adj. 根据观察或经验的

 originating in or based on observation or experience

conform /kənˈfɔːrm/

 v. 符合,遵守

 to obey or agree with something

 v. 随大流,从众

 to do what other people do

solicitous /səˈlɪsɪtəs/

 adj. 关心的,殷切的

 showing great attention or concern to another