Chapter 1 日常交际 Daily Communication
见面问候 Greetings
自我介绍 Self-introduction
谈论天气 Talking about Weather
谈论时间 Talking about Time
邀请与回复 Invitation and Reply
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电话沟通 Communication on the Phone
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参加聚会 Going to a Party
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道别 Farewell
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Chapter 2 居家生活 Home Life
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起床和睡觉 Getting Up and Sleeping
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装扮 Dressing Up
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家务 Housework
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一日三餐 Daily Meals
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租房 Renting a House
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买房和装修 Purchasing a House and Decorating
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Chapter 3 情感表达 Emotion Expression
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开心和难过 Joy and Sadness
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紧张和焦虑 Nervousness and Anxiousness
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失望和绝望 Disappointment and Despair
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孤独寂寞 Loneliness
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恐惧害怕 Fear
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惊喜万分 Surprise
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Chapter 4 公共服务 Public Service
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银行 In a Bank
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邮局 In a Post Office
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在理发店 In a Barbershop
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在美容店 In a Beauty Shop
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在洗衣店 In a Laundry
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在社区 In the Community
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Chapter 5 工作职场 Workplace
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求职应聘 Job Hunting
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面试 Interview
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上班第一天 The First Day of Work
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职场培训 Job Training
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出勤与迟到 Turning Out and Being Late for Work
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请假 On Leave
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调班和加班 Shifts and Overtime
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升职与加薪 Promotion and Salary Raise
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解聘与辞职 Dismissal and Resignation
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Chapter 6 恋爱和婚姻 Love and Marriage
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萌生好感 Having a Good Impression
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表白爱意 Confession of Love
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约会 Dating
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求婚 To Propose Marriage
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拒绝求婚 Refusing a Marriage Proposal
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订婚与结婚 Engagement and Marriage
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怀孕生子 Pregnancy and Childbirth
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吵架与分手 Quarreling and Breaking Up
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Chapter 7 运动与休闲 Sports and Recreation
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健身 Keeping Fit
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电影与电视剧 Movies and TV Series
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看演唱会 Going to a Concert
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听音乐 Listening to the Music
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阅读 Reading
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假期 Holidays
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Chapter 8 节日庆祝 Festival Celebration
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春节 Spring Festival
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情人节 Valentine’s Day
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母亲节和父亲节 Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
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中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival
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圣诞节 Christmas
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生日 Birthday
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结婚纪念日 Wedding Anniversary
更新时间:2024-05-17 10:02:36