Visual Media Processing Using Matlab Beginner's Guide
George Siogkas更新时间:2021-08-06 16:38:30
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Chapter 1. Basic Image Manipulations
Getting acquainted with the MATLAB environment
The ribbon
The editor
Importing and displaying an image
Time for action – importing and displaying an image
Time for action – using imtool to extract useful information
Applying geometric transformations
Time for action – rotating an image and displaying the result
Time for action – mirroring an image and displaying the result
Time for action – cropping and resizing an image then saving it as BMP
Chapter 2. Working with Pixels In Grayscale Images
Accessing image pixels and changing their values
Time for action – whiten an area and blacken another
Thresholding an image
Calculating and displaying histograms with imhist
Histogram equalization for contrast enhancement
Contrasting enhancement using imadjust
Contrasting enhancement using imcontrast
Adaptive histogram equalization using adapthisteq
Custom functions for complex tasks
Time for action – using imtool to pinpoint differences
Restoring old photographs
Time for action – restoring your ancestors' photographs
Chapter 3. Morphological Operations and Object Analysis
The importance of binary images
Time for action – understanding the value of thresholding
Enlarging and shrinking a region of interest
Time for action – using dilation and erosion to refine ROIs
Altering structuring elements from strel to suit our needs
Time for action – ROI refinement using strel
Manually defining a non-rectangular ROI
Time for action – making a custom object eraser function
Analyzing objects in an image
Chapter 4. Working with Color Images
An introduction to color image processing
Basic color image manipulations
Setting a rectangular area to a specified color
Time for action – repainting two areas in a color image
Thresholding color images
Time for action – isolating the red pixels in an image
Achieving color masking
Time for action – color isolation
The importance of different color spaces
Time for action – color space transformation
CIE-L*a*b* for more efficient color masking
Time for action – color isolation using CIE-L*a*b*
Fixing illumination issues in RGB color images
Fixing illumination issues in CIE-L*a*b*
A practical example – red eye reduction
Time for action – writing a function for red eye reduction
Taking advantage of eye circularity
Time for action – automating our function for red eye reduction
Chapter 5. 2-Dimensional Image Filtering
An introduction to image filtering
Processing neighborhoods of pixels
The basics of convolution
The ugly mathematical truth
Time for action – applying averaging filters in images
Alternatives to convolution
Using imfilter
Creating filters with fspecial
Different ways to blur an image
Time for action – how much blurring is enough
Time to make art using blurring
Time for action – creating the bokeh effect in an image
Removing noise using blurring
Time for action – trying to remove different types of noise
The importance of the median filter
Time for action – removing salt & pepper with medfilt2
Bringing back the details
Time for action – enhancing the edges in our images
Brighten up the lights
Time for action – brighten up the lights in our soldier picture
Chapter 6. Mixing Images for Science or Art
The importance of mixing or combining images
Using multispectral imaging
Loading and manipulating the multispectral images
Time for action – visible spectrum from a multiband image of Rio
Time for action – working with invisible spectrums
Creating composite images
Time for action – cloning the seagull
One step beyond – blending selected image regions
Time for action – directing a threatening scene
Creating High Dynamic Range images
Time for action – composing your own HDR images
Stitching images for the creation of panoramas
Time for action – basic approach to panorama stitching
Chapter 7. Adding Motion – From Static Images to Digital Videos
An introduction to digital videos
The meaning of frames
Loading videos in MATLAB
Playing back videos in MATLAB
Time for action – reading and playing back a video
Making videos from static images
Time for action – constructing and saving a video
Inspecting a video using montage
Time for action – don't wait for the ball
A tool just for your playback needs – implay
Creating time-lapse videos
Time for action – time-lapsing a regular video
Saving your time-lapse videos in a gif file
Chapter 8. Acquiring and Processing Videos
Using MATLAB for digital video recording
Time for action – capturing a video using a firewire connection
The importance of video compression
Working with uncompressed videos
Time for action – making an edge detection video
Acquiring frames for time-lapse videos
Time for action – using MATLAB as an intervalometer
Real-time processing of time-lapse videos
Time for action – creating time-lapses with isolated colors
Real-time processing of normal videos
Time for action – adjusting the contrast of the video
Time for action – adding preview in our code
Chapter 9. Spatiotemporal Video Processing
Basic video processing with MATLAB
Time for action – loading cropping resizing and saving a video
Time for action – reducing the blocking effect
Deinterlacing videos in MATLAB
Deinterlacing with the Computer Vision System Toolbox
Time for action – deinterlacing a video using the vision toolbox
Deinterlacing with the custom functions
Time for action – deinterlacing with line repetition
Time for action – deinterlacing with the scan line interpolation
Inter-frame filtering for the deinterlacing tasks
Time for action – deinterlacing with field merging
Temporal deinterlacing by field averaging
Time for action – deinterlacing with field averaging
Mixing intra-frame and inter-frame deinterlacing
Time for action – vertical and temporal interpolation method
Adding a new dimension to the filters
Time for action – implementing a spatiotemporal averaging filter
Time for action – spatiotemporal averaging filter with the convn function
Chapter 10. From Beginner to Expert – Handling Motion and 3-D
Detecting and estimating motion in videos
Time for action – detecting a moving object in a still scene
Time for action – detecting motion in a complex scene
Estimating the motion
Time for action – tracking people with Horn-Schunck optical flow
Time for action – warping frames using optical flow
Compensating camera motion using feature tracking
Time for action – tracking feature points for motion compensation of a shaky video
Working with stereoscopic images
Time for action – creating a 3-D video from left and right videos
Time for action – creating a 3-D video from a regular one
Appendix A. Pop Quiz Answers
Chapter 1 Basic Image Manupulation
Chapter 2 Working with Pixels in Grayscale Images
Chapter 3 Morphological Operations and Object Analysis
Chapter 4 Working with Color Images
Chapter 5 2-Dimensional Image Filtering
Chapter 6 Mixing Images for Science or Art
Chapter 7 Adding Motion – From Static Images to Digital Videos
Chapter 8 Acquiring and Processing Videos
Chapter 9 Spatiotemporal Video Processing
Chapter 10 From Beginner to Expert – Handling Motion and 3-D
更新时间:2021-08-06 16:38:30