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Chapter 1. Connecting an Arduino to the Web
Setting up the Arduino development environment
Options for Internet connectivity with Arduino
Interacting with basic sensors
Interacting with basic actuators
Configuring your Arduino board for the IoT
Grabbing the content from a web page
Sending data to the cloud
Troubleshooting basic Arduino issues
Chapter 2. Cloud Data Monitoring
Internet of Things platforms for Arduino
Connecting sensors to your Arduino board
Posting the sensor data online
Retrieving your online data
Securing your online data
Monitoring sensor data from a cloud dashboard
Monitoring several Arduino boards at once
Troubleshooting issues with cloud data monitoring
Chapter 3. Interacting with Web Services
Discovering the Temboo platform
Tweeting from an Arduino board
Posting updates on Facebook
Automation with IFTTT
Sending push notifications
Sending text message notifications
Storing data on Google Drive
Troubleshooting issues with web services
Chapter 4. Machine-to-Machine Interactions
Types of IoT interaction
Basic local M2M interactions
Cloud M2M with IFTTT
M2M alarm system
Automated light controller
Automated sprinkler controller
Troubleshooting basic M2M issues
Chapter 5. Home Automation Projects
Controlling your coffee machine from the cloud
Dim LEDs from anywhere in the world
Remote controlled garage door
Controlling the access to your door remotely
Cloud smoke detector
Smart cloud thermostat
Home automation dashboard in the cloud
Troubleshooting home automation project issues
Chapter 6. Fun Internet of Things Projects
Making a simple Arduino clock
Building a digital candle
A cloud-controlled digital candle
Building a Bitcoin ticker with Arduino
Assembling a GPS module
Building a simple GPS tracker
Troubleshooting fun IoT project issues
Chapter 7. Mobile Robot Applications
Choosing a robotic platform
Building a mobile robot
Configuring your mobile robot
Basic robot control
Using distance sensors
Controlling your robot from anywhere
Troubleshooting basic robotic issues
更新时间:2021-07-08 11:27:16