01 Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Outline
02 Chapter 2 Study of the filtration performance of multi-fiber filters
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Model of multi-fiber filters
2.3 Filtration efficiency and its optimization
2.4 Conclusion
03 Chapter 3 Studyofparticlerebound03anddepositiononfibersurface
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Models of flow field and particle movement
3.3 Particle transport and deposition
3.4 Conclusion
04 Chapter 4 Investigation of the flow-field in the upper respiratory system when wearing N95 FFR
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Modeling of full breathing cycles
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4.3 Flow field of a full breathing cycle
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4.4 Discussion
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4.5 Conclusion
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05 Chapter 5 Investigation of water05vapor condensation on the innersurface of N95 FFR
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5.1 Introduction
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5.2 CFD modeling of water vapor condensation
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5.3 Water vapor condensation on the inner surface of N95 FFR
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5.4 Discussion
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5.5 Conclusion
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06 Chapter 6 Effect of vapor06condensation on micro-climatein the deadspace of N95 FFR
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6.1 Introduction
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6.2 CFD modeling of vapor condensation
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6.3 Experiment of micro-climate inside N95 FFR
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6.4 Conclusion
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07 Chapter 7 Investigationofmovement characteristicsandrespiratorydepositionofindoorcigaretteparticles
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7.1 Introduction
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7.2 Model of particle movement and respiratory deposition
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7.3 Flow field and cigarette particles deposition
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7.4 Conclusion
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08 Chapter 8 An improved FFR08design with a ventilation fan:CFD simulation and validation
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8.1 Introduction
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8.2 Improved FFR design and CFD simulation
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8.3 Performance of the ventilation fan and its effects
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8.4 Conclusion
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09 Chapter 9 Design of the FFRwith an intelligent control fan
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9.1 Introduction
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9.2 Improved FFR design
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9.3 Design of intelligent control system
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9.4 Test results of FFR performance
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9.5 Discussion
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9.6 Conclusion
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10 Chapter 10 Study of contact10characteristics between a respirator and a headform
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10.1 Introduction
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10.2 Modelsandmethodsofcontactcharacteristics between a respirator and a headform
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10.3 Contact characteristics between a respirator and a headform
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10.4 Conclusion
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11 Chapter 11 The effects of facialexpressions on respirators fit
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11.1 Introduction
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11.2 Models and methods of facial expressions
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11.3 Effects of facial expressions on respirators fit
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11.4 Conclusion
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12 Chapter 12 Customized design12and 3D printing of face seal foran N95 FFR
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12.1 Introduction
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12.2 Design manufacture and test of customized face seals
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12.3 Contact characteristics between the FFR and headform
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12.4 Discussion
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12.5 Conclusion
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更新时间:2021-01-05 18:54:05