1 Scope
2 Terms and Definitions
2.1 Positional Nomenclature
2.2 Anatomical Nomenclature
3 An Introduction to AAP Nomenclature and Location
4 Names and Locations of AAPs
4.1 Points on the Helix
4.2 Points in the Scapha
4.3 Points on the Antihelix
4.4 Points in the Triangular Fossa
4.5 Points on the Tragus
4.6 Points on the Antitragus
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4.7 Points in the Concha
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4.8 Points on the Ear Lobe
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4.9 Points on the Posterior Surface of the Ear
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4.10 Points at the Root of the Ear
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Annex A (Informative) Figures
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Annex B (Informative) Principles of AAP Nomenclature and Location
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B.1 Principles for Including an AAP in This Standardization
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B.2 Further Principles of Inclusion
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B.3 Principles of AAP Location
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Annex C (Informative) Introduction to the Basic Imaginary Points Lines and Divisions of the Auricle
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C.1 Basic Marking Line Designations on the Auricle
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C.2 Imaginary Points and Lines on the Auricle
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C.3 Introduction to the Divisions of the Auricle
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前 言
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1 范围
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2 术语和定义
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2.1 耳郭方位术语
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2.2 耳郭表面解剖名称
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3 耳穴名称与定位的说明
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4 耳穴名称与定位
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4.1 耳轮穴位
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4.2 耳舟穴位
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4.3 对耳轮穴位
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4.4 三角窝穴位
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4.5 耳屏穴位
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4.6 对耳屏穴位
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4.7 耳甲穴位
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4.8 耳垂穴位
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4.9 耳背穴位
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4.10 耳根穴位
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B.1 本标准选取耳穴的原则
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B.2 本标准耳穴命名的原则
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B.3 耳穴名称与定位原则
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C.1 耳郭基本标志线的划定
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C.2 耳郭标志点、线的设定
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C.3 耳郭分区的说明
更新时间:2019-12-20 14:32:15